Page 4 - HaMizrachi # 21 Tisha B'Av 2020 USA
P. 4


                                                                                   Rabbi Binyamin Blau

       THE NEED FOR A                       Mikdash

                hy does the  Churban        Torah  study.  Which  one  is  correct   our Creator and as such, its loss was
                HaBayit play such a         and how can the latter offense be    devastating. That is why the people
       Wcentral role in Judaism?            the cause of the Mikdash being       reacted with a profound sense
       If one examines the words of the     destroyed?                           of  despondency;  they  accurately
       Rambam when he explains the                                               recognized that this bond was
       underlying  reason  for  engaging  in   The Rambam, in his commentary     not easily duplicated and that
       fasts, one is immediately struck     on the Mishna (on Masechet Rosh      their connection to G-d had been
       by how critical the loss of the Beit   Hashanah), makes a bold statement   severed.
       HaMikdash is to all our  ta’aniot.   regarding the observance of Tisha
       While Yom Kippur and Ta’anit         B’Av during the time of the second   When the second Beit HaMikdash
       Esther are obviously in their own    Beit HaMikdash. He asserts that      was    built,  there  was    some
       categories, all the other fasts      even though they were performing     consolation but the gaps in the
       are linked to this event. Clearly    the  avodah in the Mikdash, the      relationship remained. There was
       the destruction of G-d’s home is     people still fasted on the ninth of   no Aron or Urim VeTumim (to name
       calamitous,  but  considering  our   Av. This is puzzling. If the fast is   just two discrepancies) and so the
       history is replete with many other   due to the  Churban HaBayit, how     people still observed Tisha B’Av for
       tragedies, why does it play such an   can it be observed while the second   that which had been lost and not
       outsized role?                       Beit HaMikdash is functioning?       been restored. They still had ample
                                                                                 reason to mourn.
       Before answering this question, let   Finally, we may pose one last
       us raise a few interesting queries   fundamental question and ask –       Finally, we may now explain the
       and see if indeed one principle      why is there a need for a Mikdash    enigmatic passage in Nedarim that
       can address all our concerns.        at all? Does G-d really need a home,   attributes the churban to the failure
       The Gemara in Bava Batra (60b)       does not the Mishna in Pirkei        to say  Birkat HaTorah. They had
       describes  the   Jewish  people’s    Avot (3:2) state that the  Shechina   become complacent. They took
       response after the  churban  and     is  present  when  two people  study   the relationship they had with
       it is powerfully evocative of the    Torah together?                      HaKadosh Baruch Hu for granted
       sentiments expressed by some                                              and therefore did not heed the
       survivors after the Holocaust. They   Perhaps the solution to all our     admonitions  of  the  great  prophets.
       did not wish to eat or drink, and    problems is as follows: there is     Eventually, they behaved badly,
       there was an incredible sense of     a vast difference in letting G-d     but their initial downfall was a
       despondency at what had been lost.   into  our  lives and  our entering   lack of appreciation for the direct
       Once again, a deeper explanation     into His Home. It is true we have    connection they enjoyed.
       is required; why did the loss of the   the capacity to bring the Divine
       Mikdash  elicit  such  a  poignant   presence into our midst even by      We live in an era in which we are
       reaction?                            learning Torah with a  chavruta,     privileged to reside in our homeland
                                            but the fullness of that relationship   once again – in  Medinat Yisrael.
       When  the  Talmud  Bavli  examines   can only be expressed when G-d is    We are fortunate that Yerushalayim
       the sins that led to the destruction   totally  revealed, and that  occurred   is ours and that the Kotel is in our
       of  the  Bayit  Rishon,  two  very   when we had the privilege of the     hands. However, it is only when the
       different rationales are offered. In   Mikdash.                           Third Beit HaMikdash is built that
       Yoma (9b), the Gemara describes                                           our relationship with G-d will truly
       how  Am Yisrael engaged in the       During  the  period  of  the  first   be complete.
       most heinous of sins (such as        Beit HaMikdash, one could offer
       murder) while in Nedarim (81a) we    a  korban  and  receive  a  direct
       are told the  churban  was brought   response.   Miracles   could   be    Rabbi Binyamin Blau  is on the Jewish
       about by the nation’s failure to say   witnessed daily. This enabled an   National Rabbinic Advisory Board of
       Birkat HaTorah before engaging in    incredibly unique relationship with   Religious Zionists of America-Mizrachi

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