Page 8 - HaMizrachi # 21 Tisha B'Av 2020 USA
P. 8
Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon and Rabbanit Sharon Rimon
Fast Days Commemorating
Destruction at a Time of Rebuilding
n Tanach, we do not find fasting in that we follow all the customs of Therefore, the Rambam writes
as an expression of sorrow, but mourning on those days (at least (Ta’aniot 5:1):
Irather as preparation and sanc- on Tisha B’Av); and because Zech-
tification to receive G-d’s revela- ariah prophesied that in the future “There are days when the entire
tion. We see examples of this when final redemption, these fast days Jewish people fast because of the
Moshe received the Torah, Eliyahu will become days of rejoicing. We calamities that occurred to them
stood at Mount Chorev, the purifi- understand this to mean that when then, to arouse their hearts and
cation process on Yom Kippur. Fast- the sorrow and pain end, there will awaken within them the paths of
ing is also an integral part of pray- be no more need for fasts. repentance. This will serve as a
ing and beseeching G-d – as seen reminder of our wicked conduct
with Shaul in his war against the Surprisingly though, we find that and that of our ancestors – which
Philistines and David who fasted even when the Second Temple resembles our present conduct
and prayed before his infant son stood, the people continued to fast – which brought upon them and
passed away. on Tisha B’Av for the destruction upon us all of these calamities. By
In light of this understanding of of the First Temple. Indeed, they reminding ourselves of these mat-
ters, we will repent and improve,
fasting, how are we to interpret even turned to the prophets and as it states in Vayikra 26:40: And
the meaning of the fast days com- Kohanim questioning this (while they will confess their sins and the
memorating the destruction of the they were building the Temple): sins of their ancestors.”
“And it came to pass in the fourth
year of King Darius, the word of The essence is the crying and
The Four Fasts in Tanach repentance, which will cause us to
G-d came to Zechariah on the
Firstly, it does not mention any- fourth day of the ninth month, in be better people.
where in Tanach that the four fasts Kislev. And Saretzer and Regem Fasting for the Present
were instituted because of the Melech and his men sent a mes-
destruction. Rather, only Zechariah sage to Beit El to pray before G-d; If so, we learn that the fasts are not
mentions them, and only in terms and to ask the Kohanim of the because of pain over the past, but
of fasts that will become festivals: Temple of G-d, the L-rd of Hosts, for what is happening right now,
and the prophets, saying, ‘Shall I and as a reminder for the future.
“So said the L-rd of Hosts: The fast weep in the fifth month, abstaining
of the fourth (month – Tammuz), from all pleasure, as I have done Firstly, when there are difficul-
the fast of the fifth (month – Av), ties in our present circumstances,
the fast of the seventh (month – these many years?’” (Zechariah such as war, pandemic, drought or
Tishrei), and the fast of the tenth 7:1-3) other harsh decrees, these all join
(month – Tevet), shall be for the The prophet’s response was that together as a continuation of the
house of Judah for joy and happi- the fast and its laws are not the destruction of the Temple. This is
ness, and for happy festivals – you main point, but rather a reminder
shall love truth and peace.” (Zech- to the people to fix their ways. why we also say many things in the
ariah 8:19) Kinot for Tisha B’Av that have no
The prophet made it clear that we connection to the destruction of
Simply put, it would seem that the are not fasting over the pain of the the Temple, but are calamities that
fast days over the destruction of destruction itself, but for the rea- befell Am Yisrael throughout the
the Temple express mourning, both sons that caused the destruction. exile, such as the Crusades of 1096,
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