Page 6 - HaMizrachi # 21 Tisha B'Av 2020 USA
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                                                                                 Rabbi Reuven Taragin                                                    Rabbanit Shani Taragin

                Channeling Loneliness

       Eicha Yashva Badad                   meaningful relationship with Hashem   to reflect and appreciate the rela-
      M        egillat Eicha opens by       out Him. Dveikut with another is only   28). This reflection leads to a return
                                            hinges on people feeling lonely with-
                                                                                 tionships he or she has abused (3:27-
                                            possible when one feels for no one
                                                                                 to Hashem later in the  perek – “Let
               Yerushalayim’s and the
       Jewish people’s loneliness and iso-  else.                                us search and try our ways and turn
       lation.  This  loneliness  is  the  cen-  These kinds of relationships help   back to Hashem. Let us lift up our
       tral theme of the entire first  perek,   people find true and meaningful sup-  heart with our hands to G-d in the
       which describes how the city once    port and strength. Ya’akov Avinu’s   heavens. We have transgressed and
       full of people has become like a     relationship with Hashem helped      have rebelled...” (3:40-42)
       widow (1:1), all her friends have    him vanquish the mysterious   5  ׁשי ִ א   Am Yisrael has gotten the mes-
       betrayed her and become her ene-     and we  – his descendants – learn    sage. Hashem orchestrated the mass
       mies (1:2, 19), and she has become   from him how to find similar celes-  betrayal and isolation so we would
       like a nida (1:8). The perek empha-  tially-inspired strength  –  ’ה  בַּ גׂ ְ שִנ ְ ו   appreciate the need to turn and
       sizes four times (1:2, 9, 16, 21) that   ֹוּד ַ ב ְ ל. When  we  live this  way,  we  and   return to Him.

       no one cares enough to even offer    Hashem share a mutually exclusive
       consolation. It is this  that Yirmiya   relationship – alone with each other.   Tisha B’Av 5780
       cries for –  י ִני ֵ ע י ִני ֵ ע הָּי ִ כ ֹוב י ִנ ֲ א ה ֶּ ל ֵ א ל ַ ע   This relationship, described in Shirat
       י ׁ ִ ש ְ פ ַנ בי ׁ ִ ש ֵ מ ם ֵ ח ַנ ְ מ יִּנ ֶּ מ ִ מ ק ַ ח ָ ר י ִּ כ םִי ַּ מ ה ָ ד ְ רֹי.  Ha’azinu  as ר ָ כֵנ ל ֵ א ֹו ּ מ ִ ע ןי ֵ א ְ ו ּוּנ ֶ חְנַי ד ָ ד ָּ ב ’ה    Even with our return to Israel and
                                            allows for true security 9 10  –  ן ּ ֹכ ׁ ְ שִּי ַ ו   the building of our own State, we
       Loneliness in the Torah              ד ָ ד ָּ ב ח ַ ט ֶּ ב ל ֵ א ָ רׂ ְ שִי.  remain isolated and lonely. This year,
       The difficulty of loneliness is already                                   that loneliness is reinforced by the
                                                                                 Corona-forced separation from one
       described by the Torah. Moshe ref-   The Eicha Call to Hashem             another. May we learn to internalize
       erences it in the words יּ ִ ד ַ ב ְ ל אׂ ָּ ש ֶ א ה ָ כי ֵ א   Appreciating this, Megillat Eicha   the message of this loneliness and
       (Devarim 1:12). The burden of Jewish   channels its sense of loneliness   channel it towards a turn and return
       leadership is difficult; carrying it   towards a relationship with Hashem.   to Hashem asking Him to return us
       alone is unbearable.  In fact, Hashem   Perek Aleph ends with a call to   to Him. May our doing so merit His
       identifies loneliness as what makes   Hashem – “I called for my lovers but   response.
       Man incomplete as single  –  בֹוט  אלֹ   they deceived me… See Hashem for
       ֹוּד ַ ב ְ ל ם ָ ד ָ א ָ ה תֹוי ֱ ה. When we are alone is   I am in distress… There is none to
       also when we are most vulnerable.    comfort me” (1:19-21).               1   Bereishit 2:18.
       The  Torah  emphasizes  that  Ya’akov                                     2   Ibid 32:25.
       Avinu  was  attacked  when  he  was   Perek Bet emphasizes that Hashem    3   Bamidbar 23:9.
       alone  – ֹו ּ מ ִ ע  ׁשי ִ א ק ֵ ב ָ אֵּי ַ ו ֹו ּ ד ַ בְ ל בֹק ֲ עַי ר ֵ תָּ וִּי ַ ו.  is the One who has brought the suf-  4   See  HaEmek  Davar about the  importance
                                            fering. It is His way of calling us to   of Jews retaining  their unique  distinct
       Am Levadad Yishkon                   turn to Him. “Hashem has done that       identity and not assimilating.
                                            which He devised. He has fulfilled   5   See Seforno 32:26 based on Shir Hashirim
       All this having been said, being alone   His word that He commanded in days   Rabbah 3:9.
       is not always a bad thing. Bilam’s   of old. Arise, cry out in the night: in   6   See Rashi Bamidbar 23:9 based on the
       blessings include a description  of   the beginning of the watches pour out   targumim.
       the Jewish People as ן ּ ֹכ ׁ ְ שִי ד ָ ד ָ ב ְ ל ם ָ ע – a   your heart like water opposite Hash-  7   See Bereishit Rabbah 77:1.
       blessing because our separation from   em’s face…” (2:17-19).             8   Devarim 32:12.
       other nations helps us focus on our                                       9   Ibid 33:28.
       relationship with Hashem.  Loneli-   The  pivotal,  personal  Perek  Gimmel   10  With the relationship with Hashem
       ness makes real relationships possible.   recognizes that Hashem has isolated   available to all of us at all times, no Jew is
       Love builds off two people’s loneliness   us from the rest of the world to focus   ever alone
       and crystallizes into marriage when   us on our relationship with Him. Suf-  Rabbi Reuven Taragin is Educational
       the two commit to one another to the   fering can sometimes be good and   Director of Mizrachi and Dean of the
       exclusion of all others. Similarly, a   helpful for one who needs to be alone   Yeshivat HaKotel Overseas Program

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