Page 20 - HaMizrachi # 21 Tisha B'Av 2020 USA
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                                                                                                                                       A journey through Judaism's
                                                                        Chief Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein
                 The Power                                                                                                             most controversial issues...

                           of Hope


             isha B’Av is not just a day    awareness and presence of G-d –      thing. To build a better today, we                                                                   Explore intriguing
             of mourning. It’s  a  day of   a time of unimaginable clarity in    need to hope for a better tomorrow.                                              NOW                 topics such as:
      Tyearning.                            which all the secrets of the Torah
                                            would be revealed. The Rambam   5    We are living through difficult
       The Gemara  relates that when we     says it will be a time in which G-d’s   times. Our world has been upended                                                                 •  How Jewish philosophy
       leave this world, we stand before    presence is manifest, and because of   by an  invisible  virus. Livelihoods                                                                 guides Torah interpretation
       our Creator and are asked a number   this, there will be no war or jealousy   have been compromised, shuls and
       of questions about the way we lived   or hatred or competition, and there   schools have been shuttered, lives                                                                 •  Can Jewish tradition combat
       our life. One of them is: ה ָ עּו ׁשי ִ ל  ָ תי ִּ פ ִ צ   will be incredible abundance and   have been lost. These are times that
       – “Did you long for redemption?”     joy and prosperity and peace.        cry out for hope. It’s not easy – but                                                                  Bible criticism?
                                                                                 it is especially during times like
       We are not asked simply whether we   This is the redemption we long for.   these that we need to be hopeful                                                                    •  Divine providence and the
       believed in the final Redemption, 2   A time when, due to the miraculous   and  optimistic;  to  long  for an  end                                                               existence of evil
       but  whether  we  longed  for  it. The   abundance and peace and universal
       Chafetz Chaim  explains that the     goodwill, we  will  be able  to  devote   to suffering and for the dawn of
                                                                                 something better and brighter.
       word  ָ תי ִּ פ ִ צ is from the root of  ה ָ פ ֹוצ,   ourselves fully to  spiritual pursuits                                                                                   •  The origin and development
       which means to look and to hope;     and especially the learning of Torah.   Even Tisha B’Av – our time of                                                                       of the oral tradition
       like when you are waiting for        A time when “the whole world will    mourning  – is also our  time  of
       someone to arrive and you keep       be filled with the knowledge of G-d   yearning, our time of hope. It is a                                                                 •  Rabbinic law vs. the spirit of
       looking down the road, wondering     as the waters that cover the sea.” 6  day we don’t say the supplication                                                                     halachah
       when they are coming. This is what                                        of the  Tachanun prayer, as a sign
       ה ָ עּו ׁשי ִ ל   ָ תי ִּ פ ִ צ is asking: did we want   This is what we are yearning for.   of the hope within our sorrow. We                                                 •  Rambam's Judaism in a
       the final Redemption? Did we look    We look around the world now and     yearn for redemption, we wait in
       out towards the horizon waiting      G-d’s  presence is hidden;  many     eager anticipation and expectation                                                                     post-Aristotelian world
       for it to happen? Did we yearn for   people even deny G-d’s existence     for a better tomorrow – we pray
       it? Did we keep looking down the     altogether. There is a sense that    to G-d that our pain and sorrow
       road, anxiously awaiting the arrival   things should be better. There is   be  transformed into blessing  and
       of Mashiach?                         a lack of appreciation for faith     celebration. We yearn for a time
                                            and  truth.  What  we  long for  is   when the entire world will be filled                                 “A remarkable new philosophical approach to Torah and Jewish
       “”        Did we look out            a time when G-d’s presence is        with G-d’s presence and suffering                                     faith, outstanding in its erudition… thoroughly engaging…
                                            manifest, when there’s no more
                                                                                 will come to an end – “and G-d will
                 towards the
                                                                                                                                                       This is the work of a major new talent in Jewish thought.”
                                            pain or suffering, no more conflict,
                 horizon waiting            confusion or disease. We long for    wipe away tears from all faces.”
                                            a better world. This is what Tisha
                 for it to happen?          B’Av is about: being able to sit down   1   Shabbat 31a.                                                   Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, Former Chief Rabbi of the UK
                                            on the floor and mourn; being able   2   Enumerated by the Rambam as one of
                                            to feel the pain and long for things     the Thirteen Principles of Faith in his
       What are we yearning for? The        to be different, for the world to be     commentary to Mishna, Sanhedrin 10:1
       Rambam   says  the  great  sages                                              (Principle 12); Hilchot Melachim 11:1.
       and   prophets   throughout   the    better. But this yearning is not just   3   Tzipita LiYeshuah, Chapter 3.                                  “Sophisticated discussion of many controversial philosophical
                                            about mourning. It is about hope.
       generations longed for the days                                           4   Hilchot Melachim 12:4.
       of  Mashiach and anticipated the     Three times a day, we say in Aleinu:   5   Ibid 12:5.                                                      and theological topics...sorely needed in this generation”
       time  of  the ultimate  redemption   'ה ך ְ ל  הֶּ ו ַ ק ְנ ן ֵּ כ ל ַ ע – “Therefore, we   6   See Isaiah 11:9 and Habakkuk 2:14.  design:
       not because they wanted us to be     place our hope in You, G-d.” The     7   Tzipita LiYeshuah, Chapter 3.
       raised above the other nations, and   Chafetz Chaim  comments on these    8   Isaiah 25:8; Moed Katan 28b; Sanhedrin                            Rav Zev Leff, Rav/Rosh Yeshiva in Moshav Matityahu
       certainly not in order to indulge    words that believing in redemption       91b.
       in material prosperity and ease.     gives a person hope, which is the
       Rather,  they   looked   forward,    most powerful motivation to do       Rabbi Dr. Warren Goldstein is the Chief                         
       fervently, to a world filled with the   good in the world – to do the right   Rabbi of South Africa

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