Page 31 - HaMizrachi # 21 Tisha B'Av 2020 USA
P. 31


 Daniel S. Mariaschin                                                                  David Curwin

                      Tzom and Ta’anit

              ebrew has two words that      an interesting pattern, where many   B’Av is known as  bein hametzarim
              both  mean  fast  (abstaining   words that begin with the two let-  םי ִ ר ָ צ ְּ מ ַ ה  ןי ֵּ ב – literally, “between the
      Hfrom food):  tzom,  ם ֹוצ and        ters  מ-צ  mean  “to  draw  together,   straits.” The origin of the phrase is
       ta’anit,  תי ִנ ֲ ע ַּ ת. What is the differ-  to contract.” In addition to  ם ֹוצ  (in   from Eichah 1:3:  ןי ֵּ ב  ָ הּוגי ִּ ׂש ִ ה  ָ הי ֶ פ ְ דֹר ל ָּ כ
       ence between them? The primary       which one restrains oneself), and    םי ִ ר ָ צ ְּ מ ַ ה, “All her pursuers overtook
       difference is that  ם ֹוצ is a biblical   א ָּ מ ַ צ  (where the tongue and throat   her in the narrow places.”
       word (appearing 26 times in Nevi’im   contract from lack of water), here
       and  Ketuvim, although never in      are a few others:                    The word for “narrow places,
       the Torah), and  תי ִנ ֲ ע ַּ ת is primarily                              straits” is  meitzar,  ר ַ צ ֵ מ. Others
       found in Rabbinic Hebrew (it does    •   ד ַ מ ָ צ – to join, couple. From here   translate the phrase as “when she
       appear once in the Bible – Ezra 9:5).    we get the words tzemed, ד ֶ מ ֶ צ –   was in distress.” Both meanings
                                                pair, and  tzamid,  די ִ מ ָ צ – brace-  derive from the root  ר-ר-צ – “to be
       However,  תי ִנ ֲ ע ַּ ת does derive from   let, something “bound on the   distress.” A third opinion is that the
       a Biblical root:  ה ָנ ָ ע (or the related   wrist.”                      word means “border.” According to
       root  י-נ-ע).  That verb  is  the  root   •   ה ָּ מ ַ צ,  tzamah  – lock or braid   this understanding, whenever the
       of the word used to command              of hair, also a veil. The hair is   Jews would flee to the border, their
       us to fast on Yom Kippur:  ם ֶ תי ִּנ ִ ע ְ ו   drawn together.           neighbors would hand them over to
       ם ֶ כי ֵ תֹ ׁש ְ פ ַנ  ת ֶ א (Vayikra 16:31). That                        their enemies.
       phrase  literally means “you  shall   •   ם ֵ צ ְ מ ִ צ – to press, reduce, con-
       afflict your souls.” Yet, the sense of   tract. From here, Rashi coined   ר ֶ צ ֶ מ meaning “border, boundary”
       fasting is clear from the context,       the word  tzimtzum,  םּוצ ְ מ ִ צ –   is also possibly an origin of the
       and is also found in parallel to  ם ֹוצ   restriction, limitation, which   Hebrew word for Egypt –  Mitz-
       in another Biblical verse:  ּונ ְ מ ַּ צ  ה ָּ מ ָ ל   was later adopted by the   rayim,  םִי ַ ר ְ צ ִ מ. Egypt was divided
       ּונ ֵ ׁש ְ פ ַנ ּוני ִּנ ִ ע   ָ תי ִ א ָ ר אלֹ ְ ו, “Why, when we   Kabbalah.  into two lands – Upper and Lower
       fasted, did You not see? When we                                          Egypt (which can explain the plural
       afflicted our souls, did You pay no   •   ק ַ מ ָ צ – to shrink, shrivel. Raisins   form, with the suffix  -im). And
       heed?” (Yeshayahu 58:3)                  in Hebrew are םי ִ קּו ּ מ ִ צ, tzimukim.  why was Egypt referred to with the
       Other words that derive from that    •   ת ַ מ ָ צ – one meaning is “to join,   word for border? Either because
       root also indicate suffering and         attach, contract”. From here the   the meaning extended from border
       affliction: anav, ו ָנ ָ ע – “humble,” ani,   word  tzomet,  ת ֶ מֹצ – juncture.   to “region,” or because the Egyp-
       י ִנ ָ ע – “poor,” and  inui,  יּוּנ ִ ע – “tor-  Another meaning is “to oppress,   tians were known for having strict
       ture”. Another word that is possibly     subdue, destroy”, and is the root   borders.
       related is inyan, ן ָי ְנ ִ ע. Today it means   of the word  tzemitut,  תּותי ִ מ ְ צ –
       “matter, subject,” but in Biblical       “finality.” The meaning of “pres-  Perhaps due to association with
       Hebrew, it meant “occupation, task.”     sure” is identified with the sense   the word  tzarah,  ה ָ ר ָ צ – “trouble,
       Some linguists think that it origi-      of contraction we see in other   sorrow,”  these  weeks are known
       nally meant “toilsome occupation”        words with this root.            as days of sadness. But we should
       and derived from the root  ה-נ-ע     In modern Hebrew,  ם ֹוצ is used for   remember that the original mean-
       meaning “affliction.”                all kinds of fasts, including medical   ing  referred  to  a  narrow  strait  or  a
                                                                                 border area. May our sadness be
       ם ֹוצ, as we said, also means “to fast.”   ones.  תי ִנ ֲ ע ַּ ת is restricted to the reli-  limited to this time of year, and in
       Surprisingly, it is  not  clear if it is   gious realm, and can also refer to   the future, may these weeks become
       related to the word  tzama,  א ָּ מ ַ צ –   refraining from other things, like   days of joy.
       “thirst.” The cognates to each in    from speaking (a ta’anit dibbur).
       other Semitic languages (like Ara-
       maic, Arabic and Akkadian) don’t     Bein HaMetzarim                      David Curwin is a writer living in Efrat,
       point to an obvious connection.      The three-week period between        and the author of  the  Balashon  blog,
       That said, there does seem to be     the 17th of Tammuz and Tisha

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