Page 35 - HaMizrachi # 21 Tisha B'Av 2020 USA
P. 35
Rabbi Berel Wein Rabbi Shalom Rosner
The Secret of Consistency
he Mishna tells us of the five peculiar third opinion, the verse fewer recipients. Why? Because the
tragedies we commemorate describing the Korban Tamid – ת ֶ א more we do, the more actions we
Ton 17 Tammuz. We remem- יִנ ׁ ֵּ ש ַ ה ׂש ֶ ב ֶּ כ ַ ה ת ֵ א ְ ו ר ֶ ק ּ ֹב ַ ב הׂ ֶ ש ֲ ע ַּ ת ד ָ ח ֶ א ׂש ֶ ב ֶּ כ ַ ה perform, the more it shapes who we
ber the breaking of the luchot, the םִי ָּ ב ְ ר ַ ע ָ ה ןי ֵּ ב הׂ ֶ ש ֲ ע ַּ ת... How does this are. As the Sefer HaChinuch writes
walls of Jerusalem being breached, verse keep company with the first constantly, תֹוב ָ בְּ ל ַ ה תֹוכ ָ ׁש ְ מִנ תֹו ּ ל ֻ ע ְּ פ ַ ה י ֵ ר ֲ ח ַ א
an idol being placed in the Heichal, two, more obvious suggestions? – our hearts are drawn after our
and a heathen king publicly burn- The commentaries explain that the actions. We are influenced by what
ing a Sefer Torah. The final event secret of the tamid is consistency. we do. And the more we do it, the
recorded is that this was the day the Serving and working every day, day more it conditions us to the value
Korban Tamid stopped. This pair in, day out, not missing or skipping being expressed by that action.
of korbanot bracketed all other kor- any opportunity. That’s the secret to
banot. It was the first and last one a successful religious life and life- This then, is the greatness of רי ִ ד ָּ ת,
brought each day. Why did Chazal style. It’s not about the one-time the more common, and the sig-
consider this event on a par with major mitzvah, but the day-to-day nificance of the Korban Tamid.
all the other heinous crimes? All service, the yomi obligations, the This korban was a microcosm of
korbanot are special and have deep Torah, chesed, and tefillah, that fill our entire avodah. Day in, day out.
symbolism. What is unique about our daily lives. Serving G-d each and every day of
this pair? our lives. Chazal understood that
Rabbi Steinsaltz (Chayei Olam) once this symbol was taken away
There is a fascinating question notes the contrast between from us – along with all the other
discussed in Zevachim (90b). The Vayeira – filled with earth-shatter- tragic events of the day – it was
Mishna states the well known hala- ing events, meetings with angels, worthy of fasting.
chic principle that רי ִ ד ָּ ת ֹוני ֵ א ֶ ׁש ְ ו רי ִ ד ָּ ת towns being destroyed by Heaven,
ם ֵ ד ֹוק רי ִ ד ָּ ת. When there are two obli- the elderly having children, and of Our job, in this dark time of the
gations to fulfill, the more common course, Akeidat Yitzchak – imme- year, is to reinvigorate our day-to-
one takes precedence. The Mishna diately followed by Chayei Sarah, day activities, to recognize that G-d
also states that when there are two containing very mundane, earthly loves the tadir, the common, and to
korbanot to offer, the more holy topics; burial of a loved one, as well persevere in our daily avodah. Dav-
one takes precedence. The Gema- as finding a wife for a son. How ening each day, performing chesed
ra’s question is what if רי ִ ד ָּ ת comes should we understand this contrast? for those in need, carving out time
up against ׁש ָ ּ ד ֻ ק ְ מ, holy vs. common, Rav Steinsaltz suggests that yes, to learn Torah each and every day –
which one ‘wins’? The Gemara does there are various Vayeira moments these are the actions that will shape
not reach a conclusion, and thus in our lives, but what really makes our hearts. Let it be His will that we
Rambam (Temidim 9:2) codifies a difference are the Chayei Sarah not only learn the message of the
that one has either option available. days, where the mundane daily Korban Tamid, but merit to actually
service needs to be sanctified and offer it in the Third Mikdash, may it
How can the Gemara even entertain uplifted. come speedily in our days.
that common beats holy? Isn’t holy
the ultimate factor? What’s so sig- What is so crucial and defining
nificant about being common and about this part of our life? Why is 1 Ta’anit 26b.
performed more often, that it could רי ִ ד ָּ ת, the common, at least com-
even balance out with holy? parable to ׁשֹוד ָ ק, the holy? Maybe
the answer is embedded in Mishna
Ein Yaakov quotes a much-dis- Avot (3:15): ה ֶ ׂש ֲ ע ַּ מ ַ ה בֹר י ִ פ ְ ל לֹ ּ כ ַ ה ְ ו – All
cussed Midrash, as to what is the is according to the action. What
most inclusive and comprehensive does this mean? Rambam explains
verse in the Torah. After citing the that if one has 1,000 shekels to give Rabbi Shalom Rosner is a Rebbe at
opinion of ל ֵ א ָ רׂ ְ שִי ע ַ מ ׁ ְ ש and ָּ ת ְ ב ַ ה ָ א ְ ו to charity, he should give less to Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh and Rabbi of the
ךֹומ ָּ כ ך ֲ ע ֵ ר ְ ל, the Midrash quotes the more recipients rather than more to Nofei HaShemesh community
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