Page 36 - HaMizrachi # 21 Tisha B'Av 2020 USA
P. 36


                                                                                 Rabbi Stewart Weiss

              Encountering Eicha

             s we proceed day-by-day        First, Moshe Rabbeinu laments: ה ָ כי ֵ א   so alone, so like a widow?” Just as
             through the Three Weeks        ם ֶ כ ֲ ח ְ ר ָ ט  י ּ ִ ד ַ בְ ל  אׂ ָּ ש ֶ א –  “How can I bear   a woman who has lost her husband
       A(Bein HaMeTzarim), the              your struggles alone?” (Devarim      feels abandoned, deserted, defense-
       sense  of gloom  and  despondency    1:12). Moshe was never one to shirk   less, we left ourselves vulnerable to
       over the loss of the Beit HaMikdash   from work or challenge, but he      the insidious nations surrounding
       steadily  intensifies.  As   Rav     recognizes that in the final analy-  us. With the demise of our rela-
       Soloveitchik points out, the various   sis, it is the nation that must carry   tionship with G-d – and our unwill-
       phases of the Three Weeks are        the burden and not the individual.   ingness to repent and rekindle that
       likened – in inverse order – to the   While we are fond of saying “great   holy union –  we became prey to
       three-tiered structure of Jewish     leaders make great nations,” Moshe,   our enemies. They sensed we no
       mourning. The year of mourning       in his unparalleled wisdom, knew     longer had our partner to guard
       approximates the start of the        the truth is quite the opposite: A   and protect us, and so we were
       period on 17 Tammuz, when (in        great people will invariably cause   decimated.
       Ashkenazic practice) we avoid all    great leaders to emerge.
       occasions of festivity. The 30 days   As the Gemara points out, we failed
       of  Shloshim are akin to the Nine    as  a  nation when  we  dismissed the
       Days when we do not take haircuts,   Sages and neglected to properly
       eat meat or drink wine. Tisha B’Av,   educate  our  children, when  we
       the “Black Fast” itself, mimics the   failed to call out the evil-doers,
       Shiva, when we sit sullenly upon the   when we engaged in the widespread
       floor, without shoes, awash in tears,   desecration of the Shabbat (Shabbat
       not even greeting one another.       119b), when we practiced rigidity
                                            rather than flexibility in the Law
       Perhaps the ultimate depth of our    (Bava Metzia 30b) and, of course,
       despair is embodied in the read-     when  we engaged  in  cynical,
       ing of Megillat Eicha on Tisha B’Av   baseless hatred  (Yoma 9b).  Only
       night. Eicha (ה ָ כי ֵ א) written by the   when the nation as a whole fails so
       Navi Yirmiyahu – eye witness to the   miserably can a disaster as great as   Using the same letters of הכיא (Bere-
       destruction of the First Beit HaMik-  the Churban occur.                  ishit 3:9), G-d calls out to Adam –
       dash by the Babylonians – is the                                          to Man in every generation –  ה ָּ כֶּי ַ א
       only one of the Megillot read solely   Then  Yeshayahu  wails  (1:21),  ה ָ כי ֵ א   – Ayeka, where are you?! That first
       at night. Ruth, Kohelet and Shir     הָנֹוז ְ ל  ה ָ תְי ָ ה – “How has this faith-  Adam replied,  א ֵ ב ָ ח ֵ א ָ ו – And I hid.
       HaShirim are read in the morn-       ful city become like a prostitute!”   But we know we cannot escape,
       ing hours, offering messages of      Lusting after the practices of the   or hide, or avoid facing G-d. We
                                            nations, she sells out her principles
       love, light and optimism. Megillat   to  the lover who  offers  the  highest   must  confront our  actions,  recog-
       Esther is recited both morning and   bid. A harlot has no intrinsic iden-  nize our failings, and commit to
                                                                                 correcting the national sins which
       evening,  leading  us  in a path  from   tity, no unique character. She is a   resulted in our dispersion and deg-
       impending doom and destruction       body (politic) for hire; her passions   radation. Only then will Tisha B’Av
       to salvation and joyous celebration.   are directed solely by those who pay   truly become a  Moed, and its dark
       But Eicha remains cloaked through-   her fee. In spurning our true bene-  countenance turned into a great and
       out in darkness – the seemingly      factor, our eternal soulmate, Israel   shining light.
       endless darkness of the Exile.       forfeited G-d’s loyalty to us, leading
                                            to our destruction.
       Three references to  ה ָ כי ֵ א encapsu-
       late both the emotions of this night   Finally, Yirmiyahu cries out in    Rabbi Stewart Weiss is director of the
                                                                                 Jewish Outreach Center of Ra’anana and
       as well as the underlying causes of   Eicha’s opening verse:  ד ָ ד ָ ב ה ָ ב ׁ ְ שָי ה ָ כי ֵ א   the father of Staff Sgt. Ari Weiss z”l, who fell
       the Churban.                         – “How did Yerushalayim become       in a fire-fight with Hamas terrorists in 2002

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