Page 33 - HaMizrachi # 21 Tisha B'Av 2020 USA
P. 33
Rabbi Andrew Shaw
hen the 17th of Tammuz the churban as a physical destruc- National mourning is the same – we
normally comes around, tion of bricks and mortar. have lost the relationship, not with
Wwe prepare for a change. our father, but our Father in Heaven
For three weeks there will be no What are we mourning? We are – Avinu SheBashamayim – our spir-
wedding parties, no bar mitzvah mourning the loss of opportunity itual parent. Therefore, this year,
celebrations and a lessening of our of a connection, a relationship to I feel I can relate to this idea more
social interaction with the wider Hashem. Ever since the Beit HaMik- than I used to – to understand what
world. This year, we hardly feel the dash was destroyed, Hashem’s it means to lose the ability to have a
change as tragically, this has been presence is no longer visibly and relationship with someone you love
the reality for the last few months. palpably sensed in our lives and in deeply.
Yet we must still strive to con- our world. When we had the Beit
nect to the meaning of the Three HaMikdash, we had that connection Our prayers at this time, and
Weeks within our current Covid-19 in Yerushalayim, which inspired the throughout the year, are for that
situation. whole world. The Shechina dwelt relationship to be restored. Those
amongst us, human life was on a are the tears of Tisha B’Av, the
Normally the Three Weeks usher in different level, we could connect in
a period where I will no longer be a way that we do not understand. tears for the centuries that have
shaving, getting haircuts, listening There was a deep relationship there. seen that relationship damaged and
to music, etc. However, this year it tears for a desire for a relationship
is different, as my father was niftar When you lose a loved one – what with Hashem and a return to those
on the 27th of Sivan, so I was still in are you mourning? You are mourn- former times.
my shloshim when the Three Weeks ing the loss of relationship; you
began. are mourning the fact you can no As we recite at the end of Eicha:
longer connect with that person in ם ֶ ד ֶ ק ְּ כ ּוני ֵ מ ָי ׁש ּ ֵ ד ַ ח ה ָ בּו ׁשָנ ְ ו ךי ֶ ל ֵ א ’ה ּונ ֵ בי ׁ ִ ש ֲ ה
My personal mourning had now the way you used to. We understand – “Bring us back to You, Hashem,
been joined by national mourning. that their soul lives on in the Olam and we shall return, renew our days
The question is – which is more HaEmet (the World of Truth), but of old.”
poignant? Personal or National?
the way we relate as human beings L’ilui nishmat Reuvain Mattityahu ben
Most people would say the personal of flesh and blood to each other, to Elyakim Getzel
– you cannot compare the loss of a our loved ones, to our parents, is
loved one now to the loss of the Beit through the physical world, so when
HaMikdash thousands of years ago. they are no longer with us physically Rabbi Andrew Shaw is Chief Executive of
However, that is only if we think of – we have lost the relationship. Mizrachi UK
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