Page 37 - HaMizrachi # 21 Tisha B'Av 2020 USA
P. 37


                                                                                      Rabbi Ari Posner

                 What is Tisha B’Av?

            av   Soloveitchik  famously     –  occurs  in  order  of  most  to  least   destruction, the 17th of Tammuz
            draws a parallel between the    severe, the mourning of the Three    the fall of Yerushalayim and Tisha
      Rthree periods of mourning for        weeks  –  Aveilut  Yeshana  (mourn-  B’Av the fall of Tziyon (Zion).
       close relatives and the three periods   ing of the ancient) – is practised
       we find within the Three Weeks.      from the least to the most restric-  What does Rav Hirsch mean by
                                            tive, culminating with the height    “the fall of  Tziyon” and why does
       From the 17 of Tammuz, we refrain    of our mourning, Tisha B’Av itself.   he use that description for Tisha
       from  haircuts,  music and other     By  Aveilut Chadasha, grief is most   B’Av instead of “the fall of the Beit
       joyous and festive activities, as    intense with the passing, as the     HaMikdash”?
       one does during the 12 months of     image of who we have lost is still in
       mourning for a parent. From Rosh     the front of our minds, and some-    The  Kinot on Tisha B’Av conclude
       Chodesh Av, more restrictions        what eases over time.                with a number of ‘Tziyon Kinot’
       apply, relating to  laundry,  bathing,                                    –  kinot that begin with the word
       consuming meat and wine and some     When it comes to  Aveilut Yeshana,   Tziyon and, as Rav Soloveitchik
       other joyful activities, in line with   we need to prepare ourselves and   describes, serve to shift our focus
       the period of shloshim.              gradually work up to the powerful    from remembering the destruc-
                                            emotions  that  accompany a  true
       Finally,  Tisha  B’Av  itself  is  like  the   internalisation of the meaning of   tion and ruins of Yerushalayim to
       shiva – we sit on the floor, without   Tisha B’Av. It is impossible to turn it   remembering the glory of Yerusha-
       greeting each other, we do not wear   on immediately, in one instant.     layim before the destruction.
       leather shoes and, of course we fast.
                                            That said, what are we working       In a very real way,  Tziyon is the
       However, Rav Soloveitchik points     towards during the Three Weeks?      beauty  of  what  we once  had.  The
       out the obvious difference between                                        embodiment of  Am Yisrael as a
       the Three Weeks and the periods of   It is curious that when Rav Shim-    shining beacon of Torah, justice and
       mourning – they are in reverse!      shon  Refael Hirsch,  in  Chorev,    truth radiating from the centre of
                                            describes the gradual destruc-
       Whereas mourning over the pass-      tion of Yerushalayim and the Beit    our existence, Yerushalayim.
       ing of someone close – known as      HaMikdash, he writes that the 10th   Ultimately, Tisha B’Av must arouse
       Aveilut Chadasha (new mourning)      of Tevet was the beginning of the    in us a desire to do better.

                                                                                 It must motivate us to overcome
                                                                                 and rectify the causes of destruc-
                                                                                 tion. But in addition to stirring in
                                                                                 us the emotions of  Zecher LeChur-
                                                                                 ban – remembering the destruc-
                                                                                 tion, we must also achieve a state of
                                                                                 Zecher LeMikdash – remembering
                                                                                 the beauty of the Beit HaMikdash.
                                                                                 Only when we truly appreciate and
                                                                                 internalise the magnificence of
                                                                                 what  Tziyon was, can we genuinely
                                                                                 mourn its loss and seek to rebuild.

                                                                                 Rabbi Ari Posner is Rabbi of the Dianella
                                                                                 Mizrachi Shul and Rosh Kollel of Torah
                                                                                 MiTzion Perth

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