Page 42 - HaMizrachi # 21 Tisha B'Av 2020 USA
P. 42


                                                                                     Rabbi Dov Lipman

       Understanding Suffering

             s parents, we love our chil-   nutritious,  inviting  grain. He then   transformed it into dirt!” Again, he
             dren. We will do anything      watched in shock as the farmer       was told to be patient.
       Aand sacrifice immensely to          walked up and down the furrows
       make them happy and to show them     dropping the kernels into the open   The farmer put the dust into sacks,
       our love. And yet, if our children do   ground and then covering the ker-  brought it home, took some dust,
       something wrong, we punish them.     nels with clods of soil.             mixed it with water, and formed it
       It is not an easy thing to do, but we                                     into the shape of a loaf. The visitor
       know it is best for our child in the   “Are you crazy?” he said. “First you   saw the perfectly formed loaf and
       long run.                            destroyed your field and now you     was happy.  But then the farmer lit
                                            ruined the grain?”                   the fire in the oven and put the loaf
       The fact that the most tragic time                                        into it leading the visitor to scream,
       in the Jewish calendar falls in a    “Be  patient.  You will  see,”  came the   “It’s official. You are insane. After all
       month called  Av  (father) is not a   answer.                             that work, you just burned what you
       coincidence. It reminds us that even   Time  went by, and  the  farmer  took   made!”  The farmer replied  again,
       though we don’t understand why we    his guest out to the field where he   “Did I not tell you to be patient?”
       suffer so much and we do not see     saw straight rows of green stalks
       any  possible  good  that  can  come   sprouting up from all the furrows.   Finally, the farmer opened the oven
       from it, G-d is our  Av, our Father   The visitor smiled and commented,   and took out freshly baked bread
       who loves us. He would not decree    “Now I understand what you were      with an aroma that made the vis-
       suffering or allow horrible things   doing. You made the field more       itor’s  mouth  water. The  farmer
       to happen to us if it was not for our   beautiful than ever. The art of farm-  sliced a piece for the visitor and
       future good.                         ing is truly spectacular.”           as he watched the guest enjoy the
       During    the   Holocaust,   Rav     “No,” replied the farmer. “We are not   bread, the farmer said, “Now you
       Elchanan Wasserman answered his      done. You must still be patient.”    understand.”
       students’ questions about why they                                        “G-d is the Farmer,” Rav Elchanan
       were suffering with the following    More time went by and when the       explained. “We are visitors who do
       parable:                             stalks were fully grown the farmer
                                            took a sickle and chopped them all   not  understand  the  process.    But
       “A man asked a farmer to teach him   down.  The visitor stood in stunned   when the process is complete and
       about farming. The farmer took him   silence as the stunning field became   the final Redemption comes, we will
       to his field and asked him what he   an ugly scene of destruction.  He    understand it all.”
       saw. “I see a beautiful piece of land,   thought maybe things were turn-
       lush with grass, and pleasing to the   ing for the better when he saw the   Our loving Father has blessed us
       eye.” Then the visitor was stunned as   farmer bind the stalks into bundles   to  return  to  the  Land  of  Israel  and
       he watched the farmer plow under     and decorated the field with them.   with  the  creation  of  the State  of
       the  grass, turning  the  beautiful   But then he was bewildered again    Israel – showing us that the final
       green field into a mass of shallow   seeing the farmer beating and crush-  Redemption is on the way. As we
       brown ditches.                       ing the bundles until they became    mourn this Tisha B’Av, may we be
                                            a mass of straw and loose kernels.   comforted knowing that G-d is our
       “Why  did you  ruin  the  field?”  he   The visitor learned not to get excited   Av and that when the final Redemp-
       asked.                               when he saw the farmer separate      tion arrives we will understand how
       “Be patient. You will see,” said the   the kernels from the chaff and piled   all  of our  sufferings  are because of
       farmer.                              the grain into a huge hill. And sure   His love for the Jewish people.
                                            enough, the farmer then took the
       The farmer then showed his guest     beautiful grain to a mill where he
       a bag sack full of plump kernels of   ground it up into dust. The visi-   Rabbi Dov Lipman is a former MK and the
       wheat and asked, “What do you        tor could not hold back and com-     author of seven books about Judaism and
       see?”  The visitor  described  the   plained: “You have taken grain and   Israel

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