Page 46 - HaMizrachi # 21 Tisha B'Av 2020 USA
P. 46


                                                                                        Rabbi Zev Leff


                             OF G-D’S WILL

             he question of why the Holy    was determined to fast. I spoke to   וי ָ ת ֹו ְ צ ִ מ ְּ ב  ּונ ׁ ָ ש ּ ְ ד ִ ק  ר ׁ ֶ ש ֲ א – the purpose of
             Temple was destroyed and       his  doctor and  consulted  another   the mitzvot is to sanctify us and to
      Tthe  Land  left  desolate  was       observant doctor to confirm the      inspire us to holiness.
       posed to  the  Sages  and the  proph-  diagnosis. There was no doubt that
       ets. None could explain until G-d    fasting would endanger his life.     The second blessing emphasizes
       Himself revealed that it was a result                                     that  the purpose of  the  Torah  is
       of having forsaken the Torah. The    I called the man in and explained    to make us  ך ֶ מ ׁ ְ ש  י ֵ ע ְ ד ֹוי – those who
       Talmud continues that  the  failure   to  him  that  he  must  eat  on  Yom   know and emulate G-d’s character
       to listen to G-d’s voice and walk in   Kippur. He looked me straight in   traits in order to develop a com-
       the Torah’s ways refers to their fail-  the eye and said, “Rabbi, you’re a   plete Torah personality.
       ure  to  recite  the  blessings  over  the   young man and I’m about three
                                            times your age, well into my 70s.
       Torah.                               eaten on Yom Kippur, and I do not  “”          The purpose of the
                                            Since my  bar mitzvah, I have not
       Rabbeinu Yonah asks how this                                                        Land of Israel is to
       seemingly obvious fact – that the    intend to start now.” I replied that           provide the most
       Torah was forsaken – could have      I could not force him to eat on
       eluded the Sages and prophets? To    Yom Kippur, but that as soon as he             holy environment in
       his question, we can add others.     left  my office, I  would  instruct  the       which to observe the
       The Talmud in Yoma says that the     gabbai never to give him another               mitzvot so we can
       First Temple was destroyed because   honor in our shul. When he asked
       of immorality, murder and idolatry.   why he deserved such treatment                create a total Torah
       Why then, did Jeremiah mention       for being strict with respect to Yom           life for the Jewish
       only the failure to make a blessing   Kippur, I told him we are prohibited
       over Torah study? Moreover, where    from honoring idol worshipers.                 people as a whole
       did the Sages see in the verse itself
       that it refers to the failure to make   “What idol worship am I guilty of?”   And  the  third blessing  empha-
       a blessing rather than a total aban-  he demanded to know. I explained,   sizes that G-d has chosen us from
       donment of the Torah?                “The G-d of Israel has decreed       the nations of the world and given
                                            that you must eat on Yom Kippur.
       Rabbeinu Yonah answers that in       If some other god has commanded      us  the responsibility to  become
       fact the generation learned Torah    you to fast, it is irrelevant to me if   a nation of  Kohanim and a holy
       constantly and fulfilled the mitzvot.   you call it Zeus, Kemosh or Yom   people. The blessing enjoins us not
       That is why the Sages did not rec-   Kippur – all idols are the same.”    to merely hear the words, but to
       ognize they had forsaken the Torah.                                       consider their implications.
       But if so, how did they fall to such a   G-d’s answer to Jeremiah revealed
       level that they committed the three   how  people who studied  and        The purpose of the Land of Israel is
       cardinal  sins?  Why didn’t  their   observed the Torah could fall to the   to provide the most conducive, holy
       Torah learning protect them? To      depths  of immorality, murder  and   environment in which to observe
       this G-d replied: their Torah learn-  idolatry. “They forsook My Torah” –   the mitzvot so we can create a total
       ing was lacking, as seen from their   not the Torah, but My Torah. They   Torah life for the Jewish people as a
       neglect of the blessing over their   failed to hear G-d’s will expressed   whole. But when the Jewish people
       learning.                            in the Torah; they failed to hear into   observe   mitzvot  perfunctorily,
                                            My voice. And therefore they failed   without the intention to live a com-
       One year I received an urgent call   to walk in the ways of the Torah –   plete Torah life, then the need for
       just before Yom Kippur from a        they failed to make the Torah an     the Land is negated, and its physi-
       woman  in  my congregation.  Her     all-encompassing guide.              cal destruction follows. That is the
       husband had been told by his doctor                                       lesson G-d revealed to Jeremiah.
       that he was suffering from a con-    All of this is symbolized by the
       dition that could prove life-threat-  failure to make a blessing prior    Rabbi  Zev  Leff serves as the Rav of
       ening if he fasted. Nevertheless, he   to learning. The blessing begins,   Moshav Matityahu

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