Page 29 - HaMizrachiChayei Sarah AUS 2020
P. 29

Q: What key positions did Mizrachi   and Klal Yisrael – all branches, sectors
                                            secure?                              and streams. Mizrachi will continue
                                            A:  This is the first time since the   to be the bridge builders, facilitating
                                            advent of the Zionist Movement that a   friendship and collegiality among Jews
                                            Torah-observant Jew – Mizrachi’s Avra-  around the world. At such a divisive
                                            ham Duvdevani (Duvdev) – has been    time for the Jewish people in the US,
                                            appointed to head the influential KKL.   Israel and around the world, this has
                                            After we head the KKL for two years,   never been more important.
                                            Mizrachi will lead for three years the
                                            Rural Development Department of the   Q:  What  are  your  take-away
                                            World Zionist Organization, which, like   impressions of the WZC?
       Rabbi Perez signing the unity agreement                                   A: This was indeed historic. We at Miz-
       at the WZO in the very room that served   KKL, works to develop Israel’s periph-  rachi herald this moment of unity and
       as David Ben-Gurion’s office during his   ery in the Negev and Galilee, a goal that
       tenure as Chairman of the Jewish Agency.  is the key to the future of a country that   look forward to working with all parties
                                            is overly populated in its center and   for a better future for the Jewish people,
                                            underpopulated in its periphery.     Israel and the Zionist Movement. We
       People” and gave voice to world Jewry   Mizrachi will also head the Education   are equally humbled at the successes
       in decisions affecting Israeli society and   Department of the WZO, which deals   of Mizrachi at the World Zionist Con-
       the Israel-Diaspora relationship. This   with shlichim and, in particular, edu-  gress in securing influential positions
       year, a wall-to-wall unity agreement was   cational shlichim to schools around   to further the ongoing impact of Torat
       decided on regarding the appointment   the world, reflecting a commitment to   Eretz Yisrael in Israel and around the
       of the major portfolios and positions   education that has been the focus of   world. A heartfelt thanks to all our
       of influence within the National Insti-  religious Zionists for centuries. This   many passionate professionals, lay lead-
       tutions – the WZO, Keren Kayemeth    position will be held by Gael Grunewald   ers, ambassadors, volunteers, delegates
       LeIsrael (KKL), Keren HaYesod and the   who will also act as the Deputy Chair-  and voters, who all worked together to
       Jewish Agency for Israel.            man of the WZO.                      secure this incredible result of building

       Q: What is a wall-to-wall unity      Mizrachi also received the Department   on our common fate and furthering the
                                                                                 impact of our collective destiny.
       agreement? Why was this import-      for Religious Affairs for the Diaspora,
       ant to Mizrachi?                     which will be headed by Rabbi Yechiel
                                            Wasserman, for the next eight months,
       A: The unity of the Jewish people is a   followed by Roi Abecassis, who is also
       primary value at Mizrachi. In the nego-  deeply committed to these Jewish edu-
       tiations, there were many different par-  cational values.
       ties pushing for a more extreme stance
       either to the Right or to the Left.  Q: How did Mizrachi succeed in
       We saw our role as to not only secure   obtaining these positions?
       significant leadership positions for our-  A: This historic milestone happened
       selves, which we did, but also to act as   not because of any backroom deals in
       a bridge ensuring a wall-to-wall agree-  Jerusalem but through the strong uni-
       ment in the spirit of the round table   fied Religious Zionist delegation from
       nature of these institutions. Mizrachi   Mizrachi branches worldwide, the
       representatives consistently advocated   Mizrachi-driven OIC in the US, and   Mizrachi’s representatives in the National
       for a fair deal which should give every-  the Religious Zionist parties in Israel,   Institutions: (clockwise from top left) Avra-
       one power and influence based on their   totaling around 80 delegates. This made   ham Duvdevani, Gael Grunewald, Roi
       relative strength as is the custom in   Mizrachi one of the largest and most   Abecassis and Rabbi Yechiel Wasserman
                                            influential delegations in the WZC and
       these institutions.                  hence succeeded in obtaining these
       Our negotiating team played a pivotal   positions.                        I, along with Chairman of the Board,
       role in the signing of the agreement in                                   Mr. Harvey Blitz and all at Mizra-
       ensuring that ultimately there would be   Q: How will Mizrachi use these key   chi, wish Avraham Duvdevani, Gael
       one large table around which all can sit   positions to advance its goals?  Grunewald, Rabbi Yechiel Wasserman
       to build the Zionist Movement together   A: Mizrachi plans to use their greater   and Roi Abecassis much success in their
       going forward.                       influence to benefit the State of Israel   new and important positions. 

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