Page 36 - HaMizrachi Tisha BAv 2021 USA 4fb_Neat
P. 36


                                                                             Rabbanit Rachelle Fraenkel

                                              When the

                                  Shechina Departs

             he secrets hidden in Yechezkel’s   The mishnayot (Ta’anit, chapter 4), which   You and Your keys were handed over to us.
             ma’aseh merkava (Yechezkel 10) are   discuss the reasons for the fasts commem-  Now that we are not faithful, Your keys are
             a mystery, but at the level of pshat   orating the destruction, describe the story   handed over to You.” One tradition says he
      Tthey express a simple and terrible   of a crumbling home. The breaching of the   threw the keys up to Heaven and they have
      reality. The Shechina ‘gathers itself’ from   walls of the city signifies the chink in protec-  not yet descended. Another says the likeness
      its dwelling in the Beit HaMikdash, crosses   tion, the disintegration of the chambers that   of a hand came from Heaven and took the
      the threshold and leaves the house, fills   used to be safe and distinct from the world.  keys from him (Yerushalmi Shekalim 17b).
      the courtyard, and then leaves through the                                16 years ago, during the disengagement from
      gateway, climbs on a chariot and flies away.                              Gush Katif, many women and girls gathered
      It is a description of the Makom (G-d) leaving                            in the synagogue in Neve Dekalim. Someone
      its makom (place), leaving behind an empty                                approached Moriah, the officer in charge,
      house.                                  The breaching of the walls of     and handed her a beautiful wedding ring
      The introduction to Midrash Eicha Rabbah   the city signifies the chink in   found on site. Efforts to find the owner
      reveals the inner story: When the Shechina   protection, the disintegration of   proved in vain.
      was leaving the Beit HaMikdash, It cuddled   the chambers that used to be   In the years that followed, Moriah contin-
      and kissed the walls of the Mikdash over   safe and distinct from the world.  ually tried to return the ring. Last year,
      and over again, crying and saying: “Woe!                                  she decided that social networking might
      Goodbye  to  my  Mikdash,  goodbye  to  my   The  Midrash compares the breaking of   have created a new opportunity to find the
      royal house, goodbye to my dear home of   the tablets and the burning of the Torah   owner. She posted on Facebook describing
      splendor.”                           to tearing up the betrothal and marriage   how, in the midst of the destruction, she
      Leaving the house seems inevitable. It has   contracts. The abolition of the tamid daily   found this wedding ring, and how, close to
      lost its right to exist and will be destroyed.   offering symbolizes the end of daily family   Tisha B’Av, 16 years later, she is still looking
      But the departing lover tearfully caresses   routines. (And what do we end up missing   for its owner.
      and kisses every stone along the way –   but the smallness of everyday life, the sound   I shared that post in a Zoom shiur I gave
      sobbing, longing, yearning, from the very   of rejoicing or quarrel, the routine of life   that day. The wedding ring left behind in
      moment of separation.                itself?) And placing an idol in the Sanctuary   the ruins of the houses reminded me of the
                                           is the final nail in the coffin of trust and   Temple keys thrown by the priests at the
      As happens in disintegration processes,   loyalty. The physical ruin completes the   time of the destruction. Then, in the middle
      the internal collapse precedes the exter-  spiritual destruction of this home.  of the shiur, someone excitedly announced,
      nal one. This Mikdash would still stand for   At its core, this is the loss of having a home   “They found the owner! Moriah just posted
      many years after Yechezkel’s prophecy, but   in this world, a place of belonging, shelter,   it!”
      in emptiness.                        familiarity. A place in the world we could
      Similarly, of the second Mikdash it is said   call our own. The exile of the Divine from   It felt like a shot of encouragement. A hint
                                                                                of impending redemption.
      (Yoma 39) that the doors of the heartbro-  its home heralds the exile of the people, set-
      ken Mikdash terrify themselves and open   ting them on a long and arduous journey of   The keys to the Sanctuary had been thrown
      again and again as if, suicidally, beckoning   suffering, yearning and longing.  back...
      the invading enemy to enter. Eventually,   When the king of Yehuda heard that
      the destroyer will be told from heaven:   Nevuchadnezzar was coming, he took the
      “You burned a Sanctuary that was already   keys of the Beit HaMikdash, ascended to the
      burned, you ground flour that was already   roof of the Sanctuary and said: “Master of   Rabbanit Rachelle Fraenkel  teaches
      ground” (Sanhedrin 96b).             the Universe, in the past we were faithful to   Torah at midrashot in Israel.

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