Page 41 - HaMizrachi Tisha BAv 2021 USA 4fb_Neat
P. 41
Dr. Amnon Eldar
Tales of
destruction The AMIT Network is an statistics, with an emphasis on sig-
nificant service. We have the zechut
Israeli-wide education
to count many officers and combat
network that operates
soldiers among our graduates.
State-religious, secu-
lar and ultra-Orthodox According to the AMIT board’s
vision, 70% of AMIT’s schools are
schools across the coun- in Israel’s social and geographical
try. periphery, while the other 30%
HaMikdash, as our Sages taught: “When are in the center of the country
and among strong socioeconomic
a man divorces his first wife, the Altar The Network began operating in populations. AMIT’s primary goal
sheds tears.” In Hebrew, the word bayit, 1925 when Batya Gottesfeld led a is to provide excellence and val-
home, is used both for a physical home group of Mizrachi Women in the ues-based Jewish education in the
and family, and also for the Beit HaMik- United States to help with edu- periphery and to provide equal op-
dash, hinting at a connection between cation in Israel. From its earliest portunity for all of our graduates,
personal and national destruction. years, the Network has been ded- regardless of their backgrounds.
icated to meeting the challenges
Our Sages teach us, “Any generation in which of education and society in Israel, The AMIT Network’s educational
the Temple is not built, it is as if it had been starting with the absorption of chil- compass is based on three pillars:
destroyed in their times” (Yerushalmi, Yoma dren who survived the Holocaust, Torat Chaim as the beating heart of
1a). Meaning each and every generation is through welcoming the children of each school, Klal Yisrael, and excel-
responsible to do their utmost to ensure the immigrants from Middle Eastern lence and self-realization. In all of
rebuilding of the Beit HaMikdash. If a gener- countries, and later, with receiving its schools, AMIT promotes val-
ation does not merit the rebuilding, they immigrant children from Ethiopia, ues-based education and connec-
cannot blame previous generations, and not the former Soviet Union and other tions in Israeli society. For the past
even the generation at the time of the actual countries. Since its inception, AMIT decade, AMIT has been leading
has always been ready to meet the
destruction, but must take the responsibil- needs of Israel’s children. an innovative educational revolu-
ity upon themselves. The destruction of the tion grounded on its cutting-edge
Beit HaMikdash is based on our actions and According to the Ministry of Educa- Gogya concept, whose main focus
deeds, and so too is the rebuilding of the Beit tion’s data comparisons from the is transforming schools into learn-
HaMikdash. It is not just the general actions various education networks, AMIT ing educational communities and
of the generation, but our individual deeds. is the leading network in Israel. In transferring the focus of learning
examining the indicators set by the from teacher to student, thereby
Where must the rebuilding begin? Within Ministry to compare matriculation creating independent learners who
our own homes. In the relationships eligibility, excellence in mathemat- master vital 21st century skills.
between husband and wife and within the ics and English, violence and drop- AMIT’s hundreds of educational
family unit. In our interpersonal relation- out prevention, recruitment to the teams specialize in cultural change
ships. In our constant striving to build a IDF and National Service, maintain- in schools, adapting them to the
better society with mutual respect, justice ing testing integrity and integrating educational field of the future and
and righteousness. A society of chesed, vol- people with disabilities, AMIT has nurturing them into becoming
unteerism and always looking out for one been ranked as the leading educa- leaders of educational innovation.
another. As the prophet stated, “Zion shall be tion network in Israel for the fourth AMIT understands that in our world
redeemed with justice, and they that return year in a row. in 2021, standing still is actually
to her with righteousness” (Yeshayahu 1:27). Among other things, the AMIT moving backwards, and it is proud
May we merit the return of G-d’s presence Network is proud to lead IDF and to lead the march forward towards
to Tzion speedily in our days. the National Service recruitment holistic education that incorporates
entrepreneurship and creativity.
Dr. Amnon Eldar is the Director General
of AMIT.