Page 42 - HaMizrachi Tisha BAv 2021 USA 4fb_Neat
P. 42


      Without a Second Thought

                        aving previously                                        would purify and disinfect indoor air. After
                        worked for their                                        hard work and many rejections, Aura Air
                        father’s heating,                                       raised 1.2 million dollars from private inves-
                        ventilation and air                                     tors. In 2020, with the onset of COVID-19,
                        conditioning com-                                       highlighting the necessity of their product,
                        pany, Aviad and                                         investors who had originally been skepti-
                        Eldar Shnaiderman                                       cal and declined to fund, approached the
                        understood that                                         brothers, leading Aura Air to finish their
   Hstandard ventilation                                                        second round of investment with 3 million
      or air conditioning wasn’t enough to pre-                                 dollars. In June 2021, after research proved
      vent indoor air from being polluted with                                  the success of their technology – the ability
      gases, aerosols or viruses. The Shnaiderman                               to filter 99.9% of the COVID-19 virus from the
      family ate, breathed, and slept air quality.                              air – Aura Air went public on the Tel Aviv
      Their father filled their childhood with end-                             stock market (AUSR), though they feel as
      less imagination. Running in and around                                   though they are still just at the beginning
      huge air hoses and ventilation ducts during                               of their journey.
      summer vacations, little did they know, this
      early childhood fascination, those invalu-                                The COVID-19 Effect
      able experiences would end up leading them
      to help the world become a safer place and                                Aura Air did not lay off any workers or put
      to dizzying success.                                                      any workers on furlough during COVID-19, in
                                                                                fact, the small startup recruited additional
      In 2018, with past epidemics like SARS and                                workers to create a team of 20 all commit-
      MERS on their minds, the Shnaiderman                                      ted to improving the air we breathe. At the
      brothers co-founded Aura Air in Tel Aviv,                                 same time, Aura Air developed partnerships
      aiming to bring a product to market that                                  with existing manufacturing plants while

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