Page 44 - HaMizrachi Tisha BAv 2021 USA 4fb_Neat
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Aura Air in numbers
4 20 50 200
screws for easy employees countries around partners: corporations,
installation the world hospitals, universities, and
government agencies
99.9% 100% 10,000
disinfection recycled and units produced each month
recyclable packaging
sq. feet of fresh air
showing that Aura AIr was 99.9% effective TwinMed LLC, a California-based company responded: “The last 18 months presented
at disinfecting against COVID-19 particles, that distributes medical equipment to U.S. many challenges. However, we preferred
among other pathogens. institutional entities. The order is for its U.S. seeing the global pandemic as an opportu-
nursing home clients. nity and embraced this historical time with
Aura Air in Use The company continues to look for partners both hands. The results and progress we’ve
In March 2020, Aura Air had clients in just to spread the wonders of its technology made in this past year alone were beyond
three countries. By December, the company across the world. our wildest dreams.
was operating in over 50 countries. Any “We keep hearing about how life-altering
indoor setting, more or less, could host the The Future of Air Purification our products are, and about the impact
Aura Air technology — offices, residential they bring to so many organizations and
spaces, hotels, senior living homes, health- When asked about their fast-tracked rise individuals, and we’re amazed. We designed
care facilities and even buses. to success, the Shnaiderman brothers our solutions to blend seamlessly into any
In December 2020, Aura Air closed a $30 mil- background, so the fact they’re taking stage
lion deal with Japan’s JTEC Corporation, a center is everything we’ve ever dreamed of
company specializing in safety and security. and more.
The Japanese distributor announced that it
would be using Aura Air’s solution to help “Aura Air is officially a publicly listed com-
keep open Japan’s karaoke establishments, pany (AUSA on the TASE). In many ways, this
one of the main social activities of Japanese is just another landmark in our long-term
adults. mission of providing cleaner, safer air to
all. As we enter this new stage, we want to
In January 2021, 400 tourist buses that were express our gratitude to our partners and
repurposed to ferry essential healthcare supporters, for believing in us and walking
workers to and from work in the United with us every step of the way.”
Kingdom and Ireland were outfitted with
the Aura Air system. The years to come are going to redefine air,
breathing, and indoor spaces as we know
Over 1,000 Aura Air systems have already
been installed in Sheraton and Hilton hotels them. The world can finally see it clearly - we
in six countries to provide guests with the can no longer ignore this growing concern.
cleanest environment. 74% of travelers Though the challenges ahead are many, we
agreed that they would be willing to pay are headed towards a bright, cleaner future.
more to stay in a hotel room with better A constant since birth, breathing sets our
air quality.
life’s rhythm. Inhale. Exhale. Fresh, clean air
Aura Air recently received a $1 million clears our minds and rejuvenates our bodies
binding order to purchase its products from without us investing a second thought. n
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