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                                                                          Rabbi Dr. Yosef Bronstein

           Transforming Baseless Hatred

                           into Baseless Love

      “If we were destroyed and the world was   – just as Divine and precious as himself. And   self-identifies as the optimal expression
      destroyed with us due to baseless hatred,   yet, due to the singular nature of each soul,   of G-d in this world. Then, he will be con-
      we will return to be rebuilt and the world   this other soul might seem utterly foreign   fused and threatened by the existence of a
      will be rebuilt with us through baseless   and different. The juxtaposition of the Divin-  Divine soul different from himself. In reality,
                     love.”                ity of the other soul and its foreignness can   though, G-d is too transcendent and infinite
                                           leave a person feeling threatened. A person   to be expressed through any single terres-
              Orot HaKodesh 3, page 324
                                           might feel that his very identity and place   trial medium.
                                           in the world is being undermined by the
                                           presence of this “other” spark of G-d that   Rather, each person should view himself
             his aphorism of Rav Kook is fre-                                   as a unique “small spark” of G-d who can
             quently quoted during this time of   seems so alien and unfamiliar.   and must manifest that godliness in this
             year. But what did Rav Kook mean   The result of this subconscious process   world. But as Divine as an individual soul
      Tby this statement?                  is that the person hates the other person   might be, it can only capture a certain shade
                                           simply because he is different. One might
      Rav Kook explains that when we feel hatred   couch this primal feeling of hatred in intel-  of Divinity. To draw down the “Great Fire”
      or disdain towards other people, there is   lectual or moral terms. But at its core, base-  of the Shechina into this world, each of us
      a human tendency to rationalize and jus-                                  must connect with others who are different
      tify these feelings. Accordingly, we often   less hatred is a fear and a loathing generated   than ourselves and who therefore represent
                                           by the very fact that a person so different
      locate the source of our negative feelings   from me can exist in this world.  a different shade of the Divine picture (Orot
      for other people in ideological or behavioral                             HaKodesh 2, pg. 569 and Ein Ayah end of
      differences. With “scientific precision,” we                              Berachot).
      delineate our intellectual and moral claims
      against them and thereby feel justified to                                As Rav Kook once formulated this idea: “The
      hold onto our hatred.                                                     character trait of baseless hatred will be
                                                                                fixed” when we realize that “the unique
      But Rav Kook argues that many times these   To draw down the “Great Fire”   hue of another person does not diminish
      justifications are but “small indications” of a   of the Shechina into this world,   [his] own identity” but rather, “enriches the
      deeper and more primal force within us. G-d   each of us must connect with   Jewish people with multiple lights” (Orot
      endowed each human being with a unique   others who are different than    Yisrael 4:6). Each of these “lights” is at once
      and singular soul which vivifies the person.                              unique and distinctive, but ultimately inter-
      This essential life force is the foundation   ourselves and who therefore   linked. Only through baseless love or loving
      upon which a person builds his particular   represent a different shade   other people because of our differences, can
      worldview, aspirations and spiritual style.   of the Divine picture.      we attempt to bring G-d’s presence into our
      But at its core, the soul itself transcends all                           world and rebuild the Beit HaMikdash.
      these expressions. The soul is “the treasure   If this is the definition of baseless hatred,
      of life… filled with impenetrable depths” – a
      spark of G-d embedded within a person.  what then is baseless love? Rav Kook
                                           explains that it entails a reorientation of
      Even as this concept of the specialness of   this selfsame realization of the otherness of
      each soul is beautiful and inspirational, it   another person: “This inclination towards
      also contains the seeds of the pernicious   baseless hatred contains within it the
      problem of baseless hatred. When a person   hidden love which is also baseless.” Love
      looks and speaks with another human   for the other should not only stem from
      being, his eyes and conscious mind might   an affinity in ideology or lifestyle. Rather,
      notice the other’s dress, behaviors and ideol-  baseless love means loving other people due
      ogy. Subconsciously, though, a person’s soul   to the simple fact they are different from
      senses the presence of another soul. This   oneself.
      can be a disconcerting experience.
                                           Elsewhere, Rav Kook elaborates that a   Rabbi Dr. Yosef Bronstein is a faculty
      On the one hand, the person realizes that the   person will only feel threatened by the exis-  member of Michlelet Mevaseret Yerusha-
      soul standing before him is a spark of G-d   tence of a different soul if he subconsciously   layim and Yeshiva University.

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