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an·ti-Sem·i·tism MUST-WATCH:
Rabbi Sacks addresses antisemitism
[ /an(t)ēˈsem ˌtiz m/ ] noun
Hostility to or prejudice
against Jewish people.
Antisemitism The mutation of The BDS
and anti-Zionism antisemitism campaign
“The hate that begins with Jews never ends “When bad things happen to a group, its members can
with Jews... It wasn’t Jews alone who suffered ask one of two questions: ‘What did we do wrong?’ or ‘Who
under Hitler. It wasn’t Jews alone who suf- did this to us?’ The entire fate of the group will depend
fered under Stalin. It isn’t Jews alone who on which it chooses. If it asks, ‘What did we do wrong?’ it
suffer under ISIS or Al Qaeda or Islamic has begun the process of healing the harm. If instead, it
Jihad. We make a great mistake if we think asks, ‘Who did this to us?’ it has defined itself as a victim.
antisemitism is a threat only to Jews. It is a It will then seek a scapegoat to blame for all its problems.
threat, first and foremost, to Europe and to Classically this has been the Jews because for a thousand
the freedoms it took centuries to achieve.” years they were the most conspicuous non-Christian
minority in Europe and today because Israel is the most
conspicuous non-Muslim country in the Middle East.”
“Antisemitism means denying the right of Jews
to exist as Jews with the same rights as every-
one else. The form this takes today is anti-Zion- “Antisemitism, or any hate, “A society, or for that
ism. Of course, there is a difference between become dangerous when matter a political
Zionism and Judaism, and between Jews and three things happen. First: party, that tolerates
Israelis, but this difference does not exist for the when it moves from the antisemitism, that
new antisemites themselves. It was Jews, not fringes of politics to a tolerates any hate,
Israelis who were murdered in terrorist attacks mainstream party and its has forfeited all
in Toulouse, Paris, Brussels and Copenhagen. leadership. Second: when the moral credibility. You
Photo: Blake Ezra Photography / Rabbi Sacks Legacy Trust
Anti-Zionism is the antisemitism of our time.” party sees that its popularity cannot build a future
with the general public is on malign myths of
not harmed thereby. And the past, you cannot
three: when those who stand sustain freedom
“Antisemitism is a prejudice that, like a virus, up and protest are vilified on the basis of
has survived over time by mutating. So in the and abused for doing so.” hostility and hate.”
Middle Ages, Jews were persecuted because of
their religion. In the 19th and 20th centuries,
they were reviled because of their race. Today,
Jews are attacked because of the existence “Antisemitism is
of their nation-state, Israel. Denying Israel’s the world’s most “What is antisemitism? Let’s be
right to exist is the new antisemitism. And reliable early clear – not liking people because
just as antisemitism has mutated, so has its warning sign of they’re different isn’t antisemi-
legitimization. Each time, as the persecution a major threat tism. It’s xenophobia. Criticizing
descended into barbarity, the persecutors to freedom, Israel isn’t antisemitism: it’s part
reached for the highest form of justification humanity and of the democratic process, and
available. In the Middle Ages, it was religion. the dignity of Israel is a democracy. Antisem-
In post-Enlightenment Europe, it was science: difference. It itism is something much more
the so-called scientific study of race. Today it matters to all of dangerous – it means persecuting
is human rights. Whenever you hear human us. Which is why Jews and denying them the right
rights invoked to deny Israel’s right to exist, we must fight to exist collectively as Jews with
you are hearing the new antisemitism.” it together.” the same rights as everyone else.”
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