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                                                                                      David Curwin


                                            and Comfort

             he Shabbat before Tisha B’Av is   In Yeshayahu 28:15, we find the word ה ֶזֹח in   humanity had become, he “regretted [ם ֶח ָּנִּי ַו]
             called Shabbat Chazon, and the Shab-  a unique context: ה ֶזֹח ּוני ִש ָע לֹוא ְ ׁש־ם ִע ְו. This is   that He had made man on earth” (6:6).
             bat following Tisha B’Av is called   generally translated as, “we have made a
      TShabbat Nachamu. Both are named     pact with the grave.” However, commentar-  How did the same root come to mean both
      for the opening words of the haftarah read   ies such as Ibn Ezra point out that the word   comfort and regret? One theory says that
      that week. Let’s look at those two words.  is connected to the root הזח, and so say it   ם ֵח ַנ is related to the root  ַחֹונ (“to rest”), and
                                           means a “covenant made by (Divine) proph-  so one who is comforted is rested from their
      Chazon                               ecy.” Some scholars point out that prophets   anger or sadness. Similarly, regretting an
                                           were asked for their advice before treaties   action, either a beneficial one like creating
      The  word  ןֹוז ָח  means  “vision,”  from  the   were made. Today a ה ֶזֹוח refers to any kind   humanity or a punishment, as when Moshe
      root ה ָז ָח – “to see.” Hebrew has a number   of contract.               asks G-d to “renounce [ם ֵח ָּנ ִה ְו] the plan to
      of verbs that express vision, including the                               punish Your people” (Shemot 32:12), involves
      most common, ה ָא ָר, as well as ה ָז ָח and טי ִּ ב ִה.   There is one word in this family that moved   putting the plan to rest.
      Rambam (Moreh Nevuchim 1:3) provides   in the opposite direction – from the secular
      different meanings for each verb. He writes   to the religious. According to some theories,   Another theory relies on a different etymol-
      that ה ָא ָר – “to see,” is something that is expe-  ן ָּז ַח originally meant “overseer” (from ה ָז ָח   ogy for the root. These scholars claim that
      rienced by people in general, via sight. The   meaning “to see”). This could be the overseer   ם ֵח ַנ is related to ח ַנ ֶא – “to sigh, moan.” They
      root טי ִּ ב ִה – “to look at,” indicates turning   of any project or group. But later it came   point out that in Arabic, nahama is used to
      and paying attention to something in par-  to mean specifically the one directing or   refer to the panting breaths of a horse. So
      ticular. And finally, he says that our root, ה ָז ָח   leading the prayer service – i.e. the cantor.  according to this approach, ם ֵח ַנ first meant
      – “vision” is often used in a more figurative                             “to grieve, be sorry.” Feeling sorry for one-
      sense, to express what the heart (or mind)   Nachamu                      self or others led to the sense of “comfort,”
      perceives.                                                                while the result of feeling sorry can lead
                                           ּומ ֲח ַנ means “comfort,” as found in the open-
      This distinction is borne out by linguistic   ing words of the haftarah:  one to “regret” or “repent.” We see the same
      evidence as well. Beyond the meaning “to                                  phenomenon in English, when saying “I’m
      see,” ה ָז ָח often means “to perceive,” “to pre-  י ִּ מ ַע ּומ ֲח ַנ ּומ ֲח ַנ – “Comfort, oh comfort My   sorry” can either express regret or an effort
      dict” or “to prophecy.” In Arabic, the cog-  people” (Yeshayahu 40:1).    to comfort someone.
      nate word means “astrologer,” which also   However, the root ם ֵח ַנ has multiple mean-  Whatever the origin of the word, may G-d
      expresses this sense of seeing beyond what   ings, some seemingly contradictory. For   renounce any bad plans He has for us, and
      the eye can detect.
                                           example, when Noach was born, his father   provide us all with the comfort we need.
      Several other Hebrew words derive from   gave him that name because he prayed that,
      this same root, but much of the supernat-  “this one will provide us relief [ּונ ֵמ ֲח ַנְי] from
      ural connotations of the words have been   our work and from the toil of our hands”   David Curwin is a writer living in Efrat,
      replaced with more secular meanings in   (Bereishit 5:29). But a few verses later, we see   and  the  author  of  the  Balashon  blog:
      Modern Hebrew.                       the root again. When G-d saw how wicked
      For example, a synonym for ןֹוז ָח in Biblical
      Hebrew is ה ֶז ֲח ַמ. When G-d reveals Himself
      to Avraham, he does so in a ה ֶז ֲח ַמ (Bereishit
      15:1). In Modern Hebrew, however, a ה ֶז ֲח ַמ is a
      drama or play (literally something watched).
      Another set of words that have gone through
      a similar transformation regard a different
      type of prediction. While we don’t have
      prophecy today, we do predict the weather.
      So a forecast is a תי ִז ֲח ַּ ת, and a weather fore-
      caster is a יא ַּז ַח.

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