Page 49 - HaMizrachi Tisha BAv 2021 USA 4fb_Neat
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                                                                                          Gael Grunewald

                                                  The Place

                                      Where It All Began

               he story of Am Yisrael throughout                                  baAretz, the commandments dependent on
               the Tanach is a story of a connec-                                 the Land, were replaced with prayer, fasting
               tion between a People and its Land.                                and minhagim, for example, that every Jew
       TFrom the searching phase of our                                           in the world turns his or her heart in the
        ancestor Avraham, through the promise                                     direction of Yerushalayim three times a day,
        to Am Yisrael and their longing in Egypt,                                 and prays vetechezena eineinu, may our eyes
        the conquest of the Land by Yehoshua, the                                 behold G-d’s return to Tzion.
        struggle of the Judges, the establishment of                              On the face of it, it seems Tisha B’Av is a day
        kings and the exiles of Assyria and Babylon.
        A long-suffering nation who always yearned                                we mourn the destruction of a place. A day
        for their Land.                                                           we remember the terrible tragedies which
                                                                                  befell our nation, and weep once more. But
        ֹוב ּוכ ְּל ִה םי ִל ָעּו ׁש …ןֹוּי ִצ ר ַה ל ַע, “Because of Mount       Judaism doesn’t believe in sadness as a way
        Zion, which lies desolate; jackals prowl over                             of life.
        it” (Eicha 5:18).
                                                                                  It is more similar to Yom HaZikaron, which
        Judaism is the only religion which contains                               is not a day of bereavement but of gravitas. It
        commandments dependent upon a place;                                      is a day we gather together around our deep-
        namely, the Land of Israel. It’s a testimony                              est values and bow our heads at the heavy
        to our emunah, to our Torah. It is not just a                             price these values demand of us. Wherever
        private Torah, a personal manual of morality                              we are in the world, it is a day we unite and
        between man and his fellow or man and                                     make room for loss.
        his Creator.
                                                                                  One of G-d’s many names is HaMakom. The
        The Torah contains another layer, bein adam                               Place. Baruch HaMakom Baruch Hu, al da’at
        laMakom – between man and the place, the                                  HaMakom, and bein adam laMakom. It’s not
        Land. It’s a Torah which builds a nation,                                 just an abstract idea.
        a nation which builds a Land, and a Land
        which builds an individual.                                               Tisha B’Av is the date when Am Yisrael, wher-
                                                                                  ever they are in the world, stops for one day
        The chut ha’meshulash, the “threefold cord,   And 500 years after that, the expulsion from   and remembers the Root, the Source, the
        not readily broken” spoken of in Kohelet, is   Gush Katif was declared to take place on the   Place from where it all began. We are one
        like a rope woven from three threads. This   same date. Tisha B’Av is the day when we   nation, we received one Torah and we have
        strong rope is placed at the foundation of   discover, time and again, the deep connec-  one Land.
        our people, and when one thread is untied,   tion between our nation and Eretz Yisrael.  ָ
        the whole rope may come loose.                                            ה ָבּו ׁש ָנ ְו ךי ֶל ֵא ’ה ּונ ֵבי ׁש ֲה, “Return us, O L-rd, to
                                             Tisha B’Av is a day we mourn a place – walls   Yourself, and let us come back; renew our
        One date is particularly prominent regard-  that fell, a house destroyed. It is no coinci-  days as of old!” (Eicha 5:21).
        ing the connection between Am Yisrael and   dence that Am Yisrael, who brought the belief
        Eretz Yisrael: Tisha B’Av, the date of the sin   in the metaphysical to the world, is bound
        of the spies. The date upon which, some   in its destiny and belief to the Land.
        400 years later, the first Beit HaMikdash was
        destroyed, and some 900 years later, the   Chazal understood the secret of this connec-
        second. 60 years after that, again on Tisha   tion, and carved it into the national memory
        B’Av, the city of Beitar fell into the hands of   throughout the generations. Although we
        the Romans and the Jews were exiled. 1,000   mourn a physical place, what was created   Gael Grunewald is Deputy Chairman of
        years later, on the same date, the Jews of   as a result of our national mourning was   the World Zionist Organization and head
        England were expelled, and 200 years after-  brotherhood, a partnership of destiny.   of its Education Department. He is one of
        ward the expulsion of Spanish Jewry was   Chazal replaced the “thread” of Eretz Yisrael   World Mizrachi’s representatives in the
        decreed.                             with longing for Israel. The mitzvot hateluyot   National Institutions.

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