Page 56 - HaMizrachi Tisha BAv 2021 USA 4fb_Neat
P. 56


       ONE                 with

            ON             Naftali Bennett

        ONE                Prime Minister of Israel

      Background                           Army
      Naftali Bennett was born in Haifa in 1972.   Six years in the IDF’s elite Sayeret Matkal unit
      His father was a real estate agent and entre-  and commander in the elite Maglan unit.   Shabbat is family time, when the kids get
      preneur and his mother was active in the                                   to spend time with Abba. “When Shabbat
      American community in Israel.        Family                                comes in – phew!”
      During his childhood, the family moved   Married to Galit, a professional chef whom   Jewish unity
      between Montreal, Israel and New Jersey,   he met on Ammunition Hill where she
      returning when his father fought in the Yom   worked as an educator for youth groups.   “It’s all about tolerance, acceptance and
      Kippur War.                          They have four children and live in Raanana.   togetherness. Uniting the Jewish people.
                                           “Our life is very normal at home,” he says.   Not in the sense that we’re trying to avoid
      Childhood                            “We like to hike around Israel. We haven’t   disagreements. It’s okay not to agree.
      He loved to hike among the trees in the grove   been able to do that lately and I miss it.”   It’s important to create a dialogue, not
                                                                                 from a feeling of superiority of one group
      near his house in Haifa. “I had a wonderful                                over another, but from a perspective of
      childhood,” he says. “We were not especially   Entering politics           partnership.”
      spoiled. I would walk in order to save the   When the Second Lebanon War broke out,
      bus fare.”                                                                 “The State of Israel belongs to us all. We
                                           Bennett found himself fighting for his coun-
      “Once, my mother heard her sons using the   try, with Galit pregnant with their daughter.  have a wonderful nation, and we all have a
                                                                                 commitment and responsibility to take care
      word friar (Hebrew for “loser”) and asked                                  of our country. The political disputes and
      what it meant. We said to her, ‘A friar is   The trauma of the war led him to the deci-  divisions must not overshadow our basic
      someone who helps out and gives without   sion to enter politics in an effort to influence   concern for Israel.”
      receiving anything in return.’       the country’s leadership, and he became
                                           Binyamin Netanyahu’s Chief of Staff (2006–
      My mother told us off and said in her heavy   2007). “Life is not only about enjoyment, but   How does his kippah
      American accent, ‘If so, friars are good. I   mostly for serving and fixing.”  stay on his head?
      want you to be friars your whole life.’ My
      parents left the good life in America to live in   “After seeing what I’ve gone through, I don’t   “I am proud to be religious, I am proud of my
      Israel, without knowing a word in Hebrew.   think my children will follow in my foot-  kippah.” He uses Kippah Keeper – a product
      Not because they were forced to, but because   steps.” Two of his kids want him to leave   made of reusable double-sided medical tape.
      they had ideals.                     politics altogether, while the other two are   Once, he had to deliver a speech outdoors
                                           more understanding.                   on a windy day when he discovered he was
      They didn’t come to receive, they came to                                  out of tape. He took a piece of chewing gum
      give. They came to be friars… These are the   “I try to educate them that their sacrifice is   and stuck it on his head to keep his kippah
      kind of friars that make Israel great.”  for the good of the country.”     in place! n

                                    Five Facts about Naftali Bennett

                                                                                                       When he
                In 5th grade,                               He was born           One of his           worked in
                he burned his           After his          into a secular       sons is named          hi-tech, he
                                                                                after Emanuel
                school’s back         army service,         family and                                successfully
                yard when his         he worked as           became              Moreno, who           made two
                science project        a gardener.         religious of his      fell in combat       exits worth
                went haywire.                               own volition.        in the Second         millions of
                                                                                 Lebanon War.
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