Page 61 - HaMizrachi Tisha BAv 2021 USA 4fb_Neat
P. 61

We had become familiar with that sound: a   from the madness. But I tried reminding
                                             mortar soaring above us. A moment later,   him: Someone needs to do it; someone needs
                                             the field about 150 meters behind us burst   to stand at the front lines when the enemy
                                             into flames. Wondering how the fire spread   is approaching.
                                             so rapidly, I examined the terrain beneath   I went through many low points of my own
                                             us and noticed that it consisted primarily of
                                             dried-up (and therefore highly flammable)   and searched for inspiration. “If I am only
                                             grass. If a mortar fell anywhere near us,   for myself, what am I?” asks Hillel the Sage.
                                             we would not have long to flee the flames.  What makes my life more valuable than any
                                                                                  other young man – the fact I was born in a
                                             It is impossible to fully describe the fear I   different country? Is Israel not mine as well?
                                             felt during moments like these. I frequently   “And if not now,” continues Hillel, while I
                                             thought of Dr. Paul Kalanithi’s words in his   have the physical strength, then “when?”
                                             memoir, When Breath Becomes Air, when he   Now is the time in my life when I can sacri-
                                             discovered that his cancer was terminal.   fice myself for the Jewish people if need be.
                                             Upon hearing his devastating prognosis,
                                             Dr. Paul’s bright aspirations turned into a   During those 11 days, I kept a diary. One of
                                             depressing nihilism: “I saw instead only a   my entries read: “I am ducking my head
                                             blank, a harsh, a vacant, gleaming white   straight into the ground, with my body laid
                                             desert as if a sandstorm had erased all trace   out, praying that I won’t be blown up or
                                             of familiarity.” As a 20-something-year-old   injured by a mortar or rocket. I yearn for
                                             post-college soldier on the border, I too   the moment when I’m safe at home and can
                                             dreamed about what lay ahead: a good job,   give my family a big hug. I can’t wait for
                                             a lovely wife, and a welcoming community.   the skies to be silent, for the background
                                             But throughout Shomer Hachomot, I was   sounds to be wind, rain, and the bristling of
                                             uncertain that any of these things would   the leaves, as opposed to explosions and the
                                             come about.                          whistling of rockets above our heads.” I am
                                                                                  grateful that this day has arrived.
                                             Amidst this difficult experience, I witnessed
                                             remarkable strength from my commanders   The war has just ended, yet  Tzahal is
                                             and fellow soldiers. Throughout the war,   already preparing for the next one. But I
                                             my commanders maintained order in the   have faith that better times are ahead. Bret
        my imagination was exploding with worst-  platoon and were available to speak to us   Stephens, the Pulitzer Prize-winning jour-
        case scenarios (no pun intended).    about anything. My fellow soldiers’ positive   nalist, recently wrote in an op-ed in the New
                                             energy and endless tzchokim (joking around)   York Times: “Last year’s Abraham Accords
        During the last few days of the war, we   allowed us to forget where we were and   brought the overarching Arab-Israeli con-
        were stationed in the shetach. If anything   lighten the mood somewhat. That said, the   flict to a near conclusion, even if the Israe-
        happened, we would be ready in seconds.   situation was a living hell. All we wanted   li-Palestinian conflict remains unsolved.”
        In the shetach we didn’t have bomb shelters   to do was return to our homes and normal   Israel has finally made peace with some of
        to protect us. All we could do was lay down   lives, far away from the deafening booms   its greatest adversaries. We must remain
        and pray that the mortar wouldn’t fall on   and blood of war.             hopeful, for seeping into despair accom-
        us. I watched my samal – chief sergeant                                   plishes nothing. We must do everything we
        – a brawny, black-haired, uber-confident   My friend from Ashkelon told me that his   can to bring about the words of the prophet
        22-year old, look so powerless with his head   mother and  girlfriend  were waiting  for   Yirmiyahu: “For I am mindful of the plans
        sunk in the dirt throughout the never-end-  him; he didn’t want to fight. He reminisced   I have made concerning you – declares G-d
        ing sirens.                          about their camping trips in the North and   – plans for your peace, not for disaster”
                                             showed me pictures on his Instagram –
        In the middle of our hang-out, a siren went   “Isn’t my girlfriend perfect?” he asked me.   (22:19).
        off. We heard a high-pitched whistling noise.   All he wanted was to return home, away   May that day come very soon. ■

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