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                                                                                Rabbi Shalom Hammer

                                           The Root of

                                     Baseless Hatred

             he Talmud says that one of the rea-  fellow, primarily because some people will   that above all, it is important to keep in
             sons the second Beit HaMikdash was   more readily listen to their peers. This is   mind the dictum of “love your neighbor as
             destroyed was because of “baseless   why Rabbi Yehoshua instructed, “Make for   yourself” especially with regards to sensitive
      Thatred.” What was the nature of     yourself a Rabbi, and acquire for yourself   issues like correcting others’ behavior.
      this “baseless hatred”?              a friend.” While one should seek halachic
                                           guidance from those who are more knowl-  Rav Yehonatan points out that the prophet
      The Jewish community is outstanding when                                  Yirmiyahu also felt that more could have
      it comes to physical acts of chesed and volun-  edgeable, one also needs the unique spiritual   been done to provide for the people’s spir-
      teerism, as is evident from mitzvot like bikur   support that only friendship and camarade-  itual needs, as written in Eicha: “All her
      cholim (visiting the sick), hachnasat orchim    rie can offer. Unfortunately, there are many   people sigh, they seek bread; they have
      (hospitality) and pidyon shevuim (redeeming   who do not understand that sometimes   traded their pleasant things for food to
      Jewish captives). Rav Yehonatan Eybeshitz   honest rebuke is an indication of love.  refresh the soul. See, G-d, and behold how
      explains that while these mitzvot are cer-  Similarly, the Zohar says that when a con-  abject I have become.” The people who
      tainly laudable, spiritual support is far more   gregation recites the blessing of mechayeh   seek bread are those who were looking for
      important – but unfortunately more scarce   hameitim in Shemoneh Esrei, G-d asks, “Who is   spiritual meaning, but because the Jewish
      – within the Jewish community.       it that took the effort to reprimand sinners   leadership did not provide any, they looked
                                           and attempt to return them to the court of   elsewhere for fulfillment and traded their
                                           their king?” In response, “an angel arrives   “pleasant” Jewish heritage for heathen
                                           and brings the visage of such a person.”   culture by engaging in promiscuity and
                                           This teaching shows that one who corrects   idolatry.
                                           others’ behavior is deserving of Heavenly
        Unfortunately, there are many      commendation, but what does the blessing   Rabbi Berel Wein says that when he speaks
         who do not understand that        of mechayeh hameitim have to do with it?  from  the pulpit  he  is not talking to his
          sometimes honest rebuke          Rav Yehonatan explains that spirituality   congregation. He is speaking to himself. I
            is an indication of love.      is the essence of life. Therefore, someone   imagine that only someone who feels he
                                           lacking spirituality is likened to being dead.   is speaking to himself and is interested in
      For example, many show no concern when   When one guides the evil back to the right   improving his own spirituality, is capable of
      they see others talking improperly, behav-  path, he is essentially providing them with   offering others spiritual direction as well.
      ing immodestly or talking during tefilla.   a new lease on life. Performing the mitzvah   Which in turn will contribute to the resto-
      This lack of concern for another’s spiritual   of rebuking others gives the average person   ration of Yerushalayim Ir HaKodesh.
      wellbeing is a form of the baseless hatred   the ability to perform a miracle on the scale
      that led to the destruction of the second Beit   wrought by the prophets Eliyahu and Elisha,
      HaMikdash. Towards the end of that period,   who both literally brought the dead back
      the majority of the Jews were observant   to life:
      and maintained the standards expected of
      them. Other large sectarian minorities, how-  “Rabbi Shmuel bar Nachmani said in Rabbi
      ever, such as the Tzedukkim and Baytusim,   Yonatan’s name: ‘The righteous are destined
      did not subscribe to the Oral Law, the Torah   to resurrect the dead, for it is said: Once
      shebe’al peh, and subscribed to all manner   again, old men and old women shall sit in
      of deviant practices. Additional groups   the broad places of Yerushalayim, every man
      adopted extreme and ascetic strictures. Yet   with his staff in his hand for old age; and it   Rabbi Shalom Hammer is an IDF educa-
      the Rabbis did not rebuke these instigators.   is written (concerning Elisha’s resurrection   tor and Founder and Director of Makom
      This indifference can be considered a form   of the child): And lay my staff upon the face   Meshutaf  educational  programming,
      of baseless hatred.                  of the child.’”                      under  the  auspices  of  World  Mizra-
                                                                                chi. He has authored five books. www.
      While an important part of a Rabbi’s job   However, those who do attempt to ‘resurrect
      is to offer spiritual guidance and rebuke   the dead’ in this non-literal manner must
      when necessary, there are certain advan-  themselves stay paragons of virtue or else   A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
      tages when a lay person reprimands his   risk appearing hypocritical. Chazal added

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