Page 13 - Mizrachi-RZC Sefer Berachot 5781
P. 13

"Ani L'Dodi, V'Dodi Li"
                                   Emma Katz
                                 Director of NILI

        Few pesukim can be recognized by a greater audience than "Ani
        L'Dodi, V'Dodi Li".  The pasuk emerges from the romantic
        relationship outlined in Shir Hashirim, and is understood to be
        Hashem’s statement of love for Bnei Yisrael.  This pasuk is also
        famously referenced as the acronym for the month of Elul; the first
        letter of each word spells out "Elul" in Hebrew.  However, it is also
        understood that there is to be a deeper connection between this
        pasuk and the essence of the month of Elul.
        There is a beautiful approach brought by the Sfas Emes, The Rebbe
        of Ger. He points out that earlier in Shir Hashirim we have the same
        pasuk, but in reverse order, "Dodi Li V'Ani Lo". Why is Ani L’Dodi
        V’Dodi Li, as opposed to this pasuk, chosen to represent Elul? He
        answers that the earlier version of the pasuk signifies Tishrei, a
        month where Hashem makes Himself readily available to us, as it
        says in Tehillim, "Hashem is close to all those that call out to Him.”
        However, "Ani L'dodi" represents Elul, because this is the month of
        us “putting ourselves out there” to Hashem first, of taking the
        initiative in our relationship with Hashem.  We are making the
        statement that although we know that if we wait, Hashem will make
        Himself available to us, we choose to take the difficult, sometimes
        awkward, step of saying to Hashem that we are willing to take
        initiative in our relationship with Him.  By taking that first step, we
        are able to build a stronger and closer relationship with Him.
        Rav Soloveitchik applies this idea in “Kol Dodi Dofek” with his
        understanding of the “5 Kolot.” The Rav states that Hashem has sent
        us, and continues to send us many signs to bring us to the decision
        to return to Eretz Yisrael.  It is then up to us to recognize those
        signs, take the initiative, and return on our own, in the most ideal
        way.  By choosing to return, we begin the process of connecting to
        the Land of Israel from the very beginning.

        During this month of Elul, as we are approaching Rosh Hashanah,
        may we have the ability to internalize these messages and maximize
        the potential of our relationship with Hashem. May we have the
        strength to take that first step, return to Hashem, and return to Eretz
        K’tiva V’chatima Tova to all.
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