Page 30 - HaMizrachi Australia Rosh HaShana Yom Kippur 5781
P. 30


                                                                                   Rabbi Shalom Rosner

                                          Step by Step

            av Sa’adia Gaon says there are   Eliezer (39) explains it differently. It’s   a poor man riding on a donkey (Zech-
            10 thoughts, 10 messages we     not referring to Aharon HaKohen but   ariah 9:9). Why a donkey? Shouldn’t
      Rare supposed to be thinking          someone else later on in history. Not   it be something more glamorous and
       about as we hear the shofar. For exam-  he whom You have been accustomed   majestic?
       ple,  malchuyot – how we’re coronat-  to sending, but he whom You will
       ing G-d with our  shofar blows and   send. Who is that? “Eliyahu HaNavi,”   A donkey doesn’t walk on a straight
       our tefilot, the shofar of Har Sinai, the   says Moshe and G-d answers that this   path. It moves forward, stops and sits
       shofar of Akeidat Yitzchak, and finally   is not His plan. “You go to Pharaoh.   down. Then it goes backwards. Side-
       ה ָ בּו ׁש ְּ ת ר ֵ רֹוע ְ ל – to arouse us to teshuva.   That man you’re referring to, he’ll   ways. That’s us too, Am Yisrael. As we
       The Rambam says in Hilchot Teshuva   have his time.”                      hear the shofar, we recognize it hasn’t
       (3:4) “Even though ultimately we blow                                     been a smooth process. We’ve come
       the  shofar because G-d commanded    The commentaries explain that        and gone and come and  gone. And
       us,  there  is  a  remez,  a  hint:  wake  up   redemption is not smooth. You   even now, when we have been zocheh
       you who are sleepwalking through     cannot simply climb up the ladder    to return to Eretz Yisrael as a nation,
       life, review your actions, do  teshuva   step by step. There are ups and   the process continues to be rough.
       and recognize G-d.” One final motif   downs,  aliyot and  yeridot. Forwards   There are difficulties and challenges
       Rav  Sa’adia  Gaon  mentions  is focus-  and backwards.                   but  they  are  an essential  part of  the
       ing on the geula haAtidit – the future                                    geula process.
       redemption, the time when we will all   Take Yosef for example. He was sold
       hear the Shofar Gadol.               when he was 17, thrown into jail     Thus through our shofar, we pray that
                                            in Egypt and as a result,  Bnei Yis-  G-d takes us to the end of this pro-
       What exactly is  geula? What should   rael were forced to slave away in   cess – where there are only aliyot, and
       we be focusing on as we hear the     back-breaking  labor  for  hundreds  of   yeridot are a thing of the past.
       shofar? How would we define  geula,   years. Was this all part of the geula?
       past, present and future?                                                 Yehi ratzon that this Rosh Hashanah,
                                            Yes, because  geula is not a smooth   as we blow the  shofar, let us remind
       The first national  geula was  Yetziat   process.                         ourselves that we’re almost there.
       Mitzrayim. To start that process,                                         G-d should take away all the  yeridot
       G-d came to Moshe at the burning     Moshe saw all of history open in front   so we reach the end of the geula, the
       bush, and they have a back and forth   of him. He didn’t only see the  galut   final stage, when we will be able to
       in which G-d implores Moshe to go    in Mitzrayim, but the entire process.   enjoy the blessings and abundance of
       to  Mitzrayim  and  lead  Am  Yisrael   He saw there would be crusades,   Mashiach Tzidkanu, ּוני ֵ מָי ְּ ב ה ָ ר ֵ ה ְ מ ִּ ב.
       to freedom and Moshe continually     pogroms, massacres, a Holocaust. He
       refuses, until G-d finally becomes   saw everything and he said, “G-d, I
       angry. Doesn’t Moshe want to take    don’t want to be part of it. Let some-
       Bnei Yisrael out of Mitzrayim? Why   body else do this. Let Eliyahu HaNavi
       all the excuses? Why is he so against   do it, skip straight to the final stage.”
       the idea?                            Moshe argued with G-d and repeat-
                                            edly refused Him because he loved
       Moshe finally says, “send with whom   Am Yisrael. Not because he was
       you shall send.” What does that      insensitive to their plight.
       mean? Rashi says this is referring to
       Aharon HaKohen – send the person     Geula has ups and downs. That’s life   Rabbi Shalom Rosner  is a Rebbe at
       You  would normally  send,  my older   – both personal and national. Even   Yeshivat Kerem B’Yavneh and Rabbi of the
       brother  Aharon.  Pirkei DeRabbi     the symbol of geula – Mashiach – is   Nofei HaShemesh community.

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