Page 10 - HaMizrachi Australia Sukkot 5781
P. 10

Sukkot in the Covid Era

                                                    Rabbi Reuven Taragin

                       t was early morning when the   given you is keeping Him from giving   Satisfaction and happiness don’t last.
                       Baal Shem Tov (the “Besht”) met   you more.” 2                  And it’s not true that
                       the town’s water carrier and
                   Iasked how he was doing. The     How many of us are guilty of the same   It’s all in the mind and heart
                                                    lack of appreciation? We take our
                   water carrier sighed and began com-
                   plaining about all of his troubles. He   blessings for granted and are instead  3  Because
                                                    frustrated by the things that we lack.
                   still needed to work despite his old age                            True happiness can be attained
                   and lack of strength, his wife had been
                   sick for years, and he was unable to                                Only if one’s surroundings are good
                   find suitors for his older daughters.                               It’s not true that good exists
                   The Besht tried to cheer him up, but
                   was unsuccessful.                 Our ancestors spent forty years in   I’m sure that you can agree that
                   The two met again the next day and   the hot and dangerous desert, far   The reality
                   the Besht again asked the water car-  from civilization. But instead of   Creates
                   rier how he was doing. This time he   bemoaning the difficult lot of our
                   received a different answer. “Despite   forefathers, we thank Hashem and   My attitude
                   my advanced age, I am, thank G-d, still   celebrate the sukkot he gave us.  It’s all beyond my control
                   breathing, davening, laying tefillin, and
                   learning each day while most of my   Sukkot is an ideal time to reflect on   And you’ll never in a million years hear
                   peers have already passed away. Not   this idea. Our ancestors spent forty   me say
                   only that, but I am still able to work   years in the hot and dangerous desert,   Today was a very good day
                   for a living and am not dependent on   far from civilization. But instead of
                   others. Though my wife has been sick,   bemoaning  the  difficult  lot  of  our   But when read again from the bottom
                   Baruch Hashem she is still alive and   forefathers, we thank Hashem and   up, the same poem expresses appreci-
                   doing a bit better and, thankfully, G-d   celebrate the sukkot he gave us.  ation of the good in each day.
                   has blessed me with daughters who                                 “Who desires life, loving each day to
                   are so gifted and special that it is hard   When we awake each morning, we   see good?” (Tehillim 34:13).
                   to find suitors worthy of them.” 1  recite a series of berachot that thank
                                                    Hashem for the basics of human life.   If we desire a life worth living, we must
                   Sukkot is Z’man Simchateinu, when we   We bless Hashem: she’asa li kol tzorki,   learn to love each day by focusing on
                   celebrate and thank Hashem for our   “who made all I need for me.” We are   the good in our lives. Let’s take the
                   harvest and our successes. For many,   meant to appreciate that Hashem has   opportunity of Sukkot in Covid times
                   after a difficult year of Covid, this   already created  all that we truly need.  to appreciate the good in our life that
                   Sukkot may be harder to celebrate
     Scan here to join                                                               we often take for granted.
      Rabbi Taragin’s   than usual. Our ability to celebrate   In the end, happiness is a matter of
    daily Divrei Torah   hinges on our perspective. There are   perspective. When we read the fol-
     WhatsApp group  people who have many blessings, but   lowing poem, entitled Worst Day Ever?,   1   See Motzi Asirim (Rabbi Yechezkel Weinfeld),
                   focus on what they lack, while others   written by Chanie Gorkin – a student   p. 8.
                   who have very little feel blessed.  at Chabad’s Beth Rivkah High School   2
                                                    in Brooklyn – line by line from top to     Karov Eilecha, Pesach 5774.
                   A chassid of the Lubavitcher Rebbe sent   bottom, it expresses deep disappoint-  3   See Iyov 1.
                   him a letter in which he bemoaned his
                                                                                       In contrast to the other birkot hashachar, this
                   difficult situation. Living in Yerusha-  ment and frustration with life:  4 bracha is formulated in the past tense.
                   layim, he was struggling to support   Today was the absolute worst day ever
                   his wife and 10 children. The Rebbe   And don’t try to convince me that
                   penned a short response expressing
                   how happy he was to hear about the   There’s something good in every day
                   chassid’s marriage, the birth of his 10
                   children, and the great zechut the chas-  Because, when you take a closer look,
        A member of   sid had to live in Yerushalayim. After   The world is a pretty evil place.
         the Mizrachi   signing his name, the Rebbe added an   Even if
      Speakers Bureau  addendum note to the chassid. “The                            Rabbi Reuven Taragin is Educational Director  fact that you do not appreciate and   Some goodness does shine through once   of Mizrachi and Dean of the Yeshivat HaKotel
           speakers  thank Hashem for what He has already   in a while               Overseas Program.

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