Page 35 - HaMizrachi Australia Sukkot 5781
P. 35



                        Make a Hymn Out of It

                                                 Atara Eis

             ...ן ֶד ֵע ן ַגּ ִמ שׁ ָרֹג ְמ ם ָד ָא ל ָכּ  But while our life experiences might   honesty, and feel slight disappoint-
              ף ֵסוֹי וֹמ ְכּ ם ֵלוֹח יִנ ֲא ם ַג ְו  not be similar to those of King David,   ment at David’s final recorded words
                                       we immediately recognize and relate   in Tanach. An ending that highlights
             ...רוֹבּ ַל וּק ְרָז י ִתוֹא ם ַגּ ן ֵכּ
           .רוֹמְז ִמ הֶזּ ִמ ה ֶשׂוֹע יִנ ֲא ד ִו ָדּ וֹמ ְכוּ  to David’s emotions and reactions to   the king’s executive privilege demon-
                                       his life experiences. We might even   strates how different he was from us
         Every human is exiled from    occasionally wish that the founder   in action but also reminds us of how
            the Garden of Eden…        of our eternal, religiously guided and   emotionally and spiritually similar we
         And I, too, dream like Yosef,  spiritually infused monarchy would   are to his reactions.
       And I, too, was thrown into a pit…  have reacted in a more refined way.   For we, too, can choose to make a hymn
            And like David, I make     Our tradition struggles with his flaws,   out of any troubles that come our way.
              a hymn out of it.        with many commentators throughout   We can and must grow through our
                                       the ages finding justifications for his
        (Hanan Ben Ari, “Dream like Yosef”)  halachically questionable moments.   challenges. Poetry and song are unique
                                       In contrast, others accept him, failings   tools to process our triumphs and fail-
                                       and all, and celebrate his self-honesty   ures and ensure that we learn from
             he popular musician Hanan   and intense desire to return to G-d.  our experiences and grow stronger
             Ben Ari’s new song highlights                              in our service of Hashem. Through
             the human trials that our   David HaMelech may be the most   Tehillim, David helps us increase our
      TBiblical heroes faced and       complex personality of the Tanach:   awareness of Hashem’s Presence in
      argues that we can channel their resil-  King, Torah scholar, warrior, sage,   all of reality. He explores every aspect
      ience through our own challenges. Ben   poet, and partially failed family man.   of human spirituality and discovers
      Ari brings David HaMelech to the con-  Even as he takes his final breaths in   Hashem in every corner of the human
                                       this world, David HaMelech oozes com-
      versation in a different way. He ends   plexity. He encourages his heir Shlomo   experience. As Hanan Ben Ari closes
      the refrain by reminding us that, like   to keep all the mitzvot truthfully and   his song, we each play “a new role in
                                                                        an ancient story.”
      David HaMelech, we can make a hymn   wholeheartedly so they will keep him
      out of whatever troubles we experi-  wise; in turn, G-d will keep His word
      ence. But unlike Yosef, after whom he   and continue their dynasty. But then,
      names the song, he doesn’t list any of   David turns political and sets Shlomo’s
      David’s trials; he only lists his reaction   royal agenda: resolving unfinished
      to those troubles. Why?          business  by  punishing  his  father’s
      Although I don’t know what Ben Ari   enemies. Yoav ben Tzruyah should be
      intended, as a student of David HaMel-  punished for his many errors, Barzilai
      ech, this nuance made clear sense to   HaGiladi should receive the kingdom’s
                                       grace for saving David when he fled
      me. Many of David’s “palace intrigue”   from Avshalom, and Shim’i ben Gera
      experiences are disconnected from   should be punished, despite temporary
      the average person’s mundane life.   pardon during David’s lifetime. With
      Though we might find some of his   final words of revenge, the archetype
      challenges ordinary and relatable, we   of royalty passes from this world. As
      do not share the royal tools that he   Malbim notes, halachically, G-d grants
      had at his disposal to handle his foes.   kings more latitude to ensure their                      A member of
      In contrast, we relate more easily to   sovereignty by punishing enemies in                        the Mizrachi
      Yosef; we too can “dream big,” and we   contexts that wouldn’t warrant reac-  Atara Eis is Director of Nishmat’s Miriam   Speakers Bureau
      too face crushing defeat when thrown   tion in regular judicial situations.   Glaubach Center and the U.S. Yoatzot Hala-
      into a proverbial pit.           Nonetheless, we can read the text with   cha Fellows Program.     speakers

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