Page 39 - HaMizrachi Australia Sukkot 5781
P. 39

Living Passionately

                            and Idealistically

                                     Rabbi Dr. Yosef Bronstein

      The importance of Ratzon         desire for perfection and closeness   The Simcha of Sukkot
                                       to G-d.  Teshuvah then can help the
              s a kabbalist, Rav Kook often   inner ratzon grow from a small spark   This is why the holiday season of
              underscored the impor-   to a raging fire, from a subconscious   Tishrei concludes with Sukkot. True
              tance of a human being’s   drive to a conscious and omnipresent   teshuvah, as painful as it is, must con-
      A tzon (“will” or “desire”).     organizing principle in one’s life (Orot   clude with a sense of joy and vitality.
      When stripped down to its core, a per-  HaTeshuva 9:1–2).         The painful contemplation of the gap
      son’s essential ratzon is “a small spark                          between the real and the ideal does
      of the great flame of… G-d’s will.” Just                          not end in despondency but in the
      as G-d desires the betterment of the   A Unified Personality      joyful realization that we are blessed
      world and all its inhabitants, so, too,   Teshuvah, though, can also have a det-  to live in G-d’s presence and have the
      deep down, every person has an identi-  rimental impact on a person’s ratzon.   wherewithal to constantly strengthen
      cal burning drive. Our most elemental   True High Holiday teshuvah requires   that connection (Orot HaTeshuva 16:3).
      desire is that each individual and the   one to amputate specific external   Teshuvah broadens our field of vision,
      world collectively live the ideal life of   drives that have become appended   allowing us to see new spiritual oppor-
      perfection and connection to G-d (Orot   to the pure soul (Orot HaTeshuva 8:1).   tunities on the horizon. This joyful
      HaKodesh 3, p. 39).              This severing of the less idealistic parts   excitement should be the dominant
      Due to our complex makeup, this   of our identity can negatively affect   emotion that we gain through the
      primal passion is often concealed.   the one doing teshuvah.      months of Ellul and Tishrei. And so the
      Instead, we focus on more limited                                 apprehensive opening days of Tishrei
      goals and desires. We crave fulfilling                            cannot be complete without the joy
      relationships, a good job, or success                             of Sukkot. Through serving G-d with
      in specific projects. As Jews, however,                           joy, we will reinvigorate our ratzon and
      our mission is to constantly analyse                              passionately pursue an optimistic life
      our drives and passions and work to   True High Holiday teshuvah   of serving G-d.
      connect each specific passion back to   requires one to amputate specific
      our core desire for spiritual perfection.   external drives that have become   “A tzaddik must believe in himself that
      Through a process of “moral toil,” we   appended to the pure soul.  he is fit to experience joy in the per-
      are called to elevate ourselves above                             formance of mitzvot, such a joy that
      the “vicious and narrow cycle of lim-  Rav Kook explains that a person – body   the entire world is not worthy of it…
      ited desires” and consciously realize   and soul, mind and heart, yetzer hatov   And particularly in the times of joy…
      how each of our passions is part of this   and yetzer hara – is a holistic entity. If,   we banish from our hearts gloomy
      “great tapestry” of the general pining   before engaging in teshuvah, a person   calculations that can cloud a person’s
      for perfection (Orot HaKodesh 3, p. 40).                          spiritual life. Rather, we are happy
                                       was passionate for physical pleasure,   with G-d, in the sanctity of His light
                                       the redirecting of these drives can
      Ratzon and Teshuvah              potentially weaken a person’s general   that is revealed in our souls… and we
                                                                        spiritually connect with [G-d’s light],
      Rav Kook highlighted several aspects   vitality and zest for life.  with the vitality of His sanctity that
      of religious life that are ideal oppor-  A  diminishment of even negative   gives life to all” (Shemoneh Kevatzim
      tunities for cultivating and revealing   desires can leave a person more blasé   2:222).
      this elemental ratzon (see, for example,   and less passionate than before, or in
      Orot HaKodesh 3, 77). One such exam-  Rav Kook’s language, with a debilitated
      ple is the process of teshuvah. When   ratzon.
      a person thinks seriously about his
      current spiritual state or the state of   Rav Kook writes that the beginning of
      his family, community, or the world as   one’s growth in Yirat Shamayim is often
      a whole, he will immediately realize   accompanied by a wave of “passivity”
      the significant gap that exists between   as a person incorrectly associates
      the present reality and the Torah’s   religious life with “losing one’s essen-  Rabbi Dr. Yosef Bronstein is a faculty member
      vision of perfection. Contemplating   tial ratzon” (Orot HaKodesh 3, pg. 28   of Michlelet Mevaseret Yerushalayim and
      this chasm will nourish one’s primal   [introduction]).           Yeshiva University.

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