Page 31 - HaMizrachi Tu BiShvat 5782 - USA
P. 31

Rabbi Alan                            Rivka                                 Rabbi Dr. Seth

      Haber                                 Alter                                 Grauer

           he mitzvah of Shemitta presents us with   he Mishnah in Avot (5:9) lists four sins   ur schools have vastly increased their
           an inspiring vision: A national Shabbat   that cause exile: murder, adultery, idol   mental health staff and resources. Adults
           that lasts an entire year, during which   worship and the failure to observe Shem-  regularly seek help from professionals.
           the land itself rests, the economy slows   itta properly. While the first three apply   We have witnessed an explosion of dis-
      Tdown significantly, and everyone – rich   Tequally to those in Israel or the Diaspora,   Ociplines associated with positive psychol-
      and poor alike – are equals, united in their faith   the fourth, forsaking Shemitta, has no applica-  ogy and resilience.
      and trust in Hashem, and sharing the bounty   tion in the Diaspora as it speaks to the inherent   Shemitta is all about rest and rejuvenation
      given to us directly by Him.          connection between Am Yisrael and Eretz Yis-  – two activities essential to positive mental well-
         Attempting to achieve this uplifting ideal is   rael. As such, the Shemitta year serves as a stark   ness. Each of us needs a “sabbatical” every once
      also a significant challenge. Frankly, we never   reminder to those of us in the Diaspora of our   in a while to be productive, just as a land that is
      wholly fulfilled the Torah’s demands; Shemitta   distance from the Land of Israel.    allowed to lie fallow will become more effective
      was often honored more in the breach than the   If we do not merit living in Israel, the next   and high-yielding. Encouraging individuals to find
      observance. In today’s global post-agricultural   best option is to ensure a strong connection   time for a personal Shemitta to foster greater
      economy, the challenges take a different form.   from a distance. The Gemara (Menachot 110a)   religious, spiritual, emotional and even physical
      Conversations about Shemitta are usually   states that one who studies the laws of the   growth will help them succeed in all areas of life.
      limited to debates about the kashrut of Israe-  korbanot, it is as if he has brought korbanot.   This applies to people of all ages, particularly
      li-grown produce. Those discussions are mean-  While this may not literally apply to Shemitta,   during times of transition. Before beginning uni-
      ingful, but it’s important not to think of this as a   connecting to a mitzvah by learning about it is   versity, students should take gap years to learn in
      common kashrut question. Instead, the question   a helpful model for those living in the Diaspora.  seminary or yeshivah; young adults could consider
      we all need to ask is, “What can I personally do   Studying the laws of Shemitta, including   volunteering following their post-secondary stud-
      to help Am Yisrael keep this mitzvah better?”   halachic discussions about contemporary   ies before entering the job market. Those already
         One suggestion is to financially support   Shemitta observance, modern controversies in   working full-time need to make time for self-care
      farmers who keep the mitzvah by buying per-  this area, and current technologies used to fur-  days and mini-sabbaticals. Hashem built such
      missible products from them or through dona-  ther Shemitta observance, is a fascinating and   practices within creation by mandating Shabbat.
      tions. Also, we should study and discuss this   intriguing way to connect to Shemitta. Learn-  We rest from our normal weekday activities to
      mitzvah’s powerful messages and work to imple-  ing from and speaking to leading Israeli rabbis,   spend more time focusing on tefillah, learning
      ment those values in our communities. Finally,   farmers, educators, and lay people learning how   Torah, and spending time with family and friends.
      Shemitta also helps remind everyone that Eretz   to manage their gardens and kitchens brings   Practically speaking, to connect world Jewry
      Yisrael is the center of the Torah’s world.  Shemitta to life and draws us closer to the land   to Shemitta, we should encourage Jews of all ages
                                            and people of Israel.                 to use the year to nurture their mental health and
                                                                                  wellbeing. Find an activity to do that you never
                                                                                  had time for. Learn something new. Connect with
                                                                                  family in ways that you haven’t. Find ways to
                                                                                  do more chessed. Ultimately, Shemitta is meant
      Rabbi Alan Haber serves on the faculty of Mid-  Rivka Alter has taught Tanach and Halacha for   to help others, but we may also find that is the
      reshet Torah V’Avodah and has taught at several   over 20 years. She is a member of the Judaic studies   greatest way to help ourselves.
      other Jerusalem-based institutions, including   faculty and 12th grade dean at Yeshiva University
      Matan and Nishmat. He is a licensed tour guide   High School for Girls (Central). She is a yoetzet   Rabbi Dr. Seth Grauer is the Rosh Yeshivah and
      and lectures widely in Israel and around the world.   halacha serving the Riverdale, NY and Stamford,   Head of School at the Bnei Akiva Schools of Toronto
      Many of his shiurim and publications can be seen   CT communities and a teacher for Nishmat’s kallah   – Yeshivat Or Chaim and Ulpanat Orot. He is also
      on                teacher training program.             the Honorary Chairman of Mizrachi Canada.

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