Page 30 - HaMizrachi Tu BiShvat 5782 - USA
P. 30


       VIEWS                                Rabbi Gideon                          Rabbanit Sharon

                                            Shloush                               Rimon

                                              I once heard Senator Joe Lieberman say: “G-d   n a near-daily basis, farmers feel depen-
                                              was the first Zionist. Our job is to continue   dent upon Hashem. Agriculture depends
                                              His work.” And what a job Am Yisrael has done   on many uncontrollable factors, such
                                              over the past 120 years. With little blue tze-  as the climate, rain and pests. This is
                                           Idakah boxes around the world, they raised   Otrue primarily in Eretz Yisrael, which is
       We asked five                        the money needed to redeem the ancestral   dependent on rainfall and where, even more so,
                                                                                  one feels a connection to G-d.
                                            homeland of the Jewish people. The return of the
                                                                                     The Torah commands us to stop working the
       accomplished                         Jewish people and the establishment of Medinat   land during Shemitta and to be utterly depen-
                                            Yisrael after 2,000 years of exile is an absolute
                                            miracle; that half the Jews in the world live here   dent on G-d: “And should you ask, ‘What are we
       Jews from                            today is breathtaking.                to eat in the seventh year?’... I will command
                                               Shemitta is a year of profound faith, when
                                                                                  My blessing for you in the sixth year” (Vayikra
                                            the miracle of our people’s return and the   25:20–21).
       around the                           holiness of our nation are amplified. Traveling   farmers during Shemitta. However, most people
                                                                                     This dependence is still felt today by Israeli
                                            around Israel, it is remarkable to see farmers who
                                            are careful not to work their fields, confident   today are not farmers. Additionally, in the
       world to reflect                     that G-d will provide for them. It is mesmerizing   modern world, we try to control everything in
                                            to see signs in the fields – ה ָטי ִמ ְש  םי ִר ְמו ש  ןא ָכ  –   our lives, particularly when it comes to financial
       on how we can                        “Here, we keep Shemitta” and signs in front of   matters. To a certain extent, we prevent our-
                                                                                  selves from feeling dependent on Hashem.
                                            schools – ה ָטי ִמ ְש  םי ִד ְמו ל ןא ָכ  – “Here, we learn
                                            about Shemitta.”                         But the truth is that we all depend on G-d,
       make Shemitta                        itta years will we get to experience? How can   at every moment, in any place and in any field.
                                               We must ask ourselves: How many Shem-
                                                                                  Shemitta invites us to become aware of our
                                            we absorb its lessons of faith and trust in G-d?   dependence and encourages us to think fur-
       meaningful                           Let us be inspired by the Jews who have made   ther: At what points in our lives do we feel most
                                            their way back home, demonstrating faith in the
                                                                                  dependent on G-d? How can we extend this feel-
       for Jews                             Torah, in the words of the Prophets and choos-  ing to other aspects of our lives?
                                                                                     Can we feel our existential dependence on
                                            ing to be a part of the unfolding destiny of the
                                            Jewish People.                        G-d even when our finances are stable?
       today – both                                                               of us who are not farmers can tap into the power
                                                                                     By considering these questions, even those
                                                                                  of Shemitta!
       in Israel and

       the Diaspora                         Rabbi Gideon Shloush is the Director of the Depart-
                                            ment of Jewish Heritage at Keren Kayemet L’Yisrael
                                            in Jerusalem. He and his family made Aliyah to
                                            Israel this past summer after serving for the past
                                            25 years as the rabbi of Congregation Adereth El
                                            in Manhattan. Rabbi Shloush previously served as   Rabbanit Sharon Rimon teaches Tanach and is
                                            Executive Vice President of RZA–Mizrachi.  Content Editor for the HaTanakh website.

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