Page 25 - HaMizrachi Tu BiShvat 5782 - USA
P. 25

of our Shabbat and Shabbat haAretz – a   seven years, he closes his business   The Talmud Yerushalmi explains that
      little time off to recharge our batteries   down while he and his staff take a   Shabbat provides ideal time for Torah
      (in an eco-friendly manner) and return   year’s sabbatical. In his TED Talk, he   study:
      to greater productivity. The Torah   explains that his decision to take a    ם ֶה ָּ ב דֹמ ְל ִל א ָּ ל ֶא םי ִבֹוט םי ִמָי ְו תֹות ָּ ב ַ ׁש ּונ ְת ָנ אל ֹ
      promises that the shevitah of the she-  year off to focus on personal projects                .ה ָרֹו ּ ת
      vi’it year will provide untold benefits   was initially done to shake off stale-
      to society and individuals. It is a year   ness, but he says it actually was better   “Shabbatot and holidays were only given
      to deactivate to enable a much more   financially: “Financially, seen over the   in order to learn Torah.” (Yerushalmi,
      powerful reactivation at the year’s end.   long term, it was actually successful.   Shabbat 15:3)
      Maybe our difficulty understanding its   Because of the improved quality, we   The Torah’s longest description of the
      need is another proof of its necessity.  could ask for higher prices.” 5  sabbatical year is described as being
                                       While the sabbatical has not been   taught at Har Sinai, the mountain
      From Sabbath to Sabbatical       adopted universally, the concept of a   where the Torah was received by the
      to Sabbath of the Land           weekend “Shabbat” has been embraced   Jewish nation. Much of this seventh
                                       by most countries. The seven-day work-  year connects us to the glorious moun-
      But it is not only the break from our   week has been replaced by a five or six-  tain and the acceptance of the Torah.
      routine that can be so important and   day one, as people realize that life is not   Like Shabbat, the sabbatical break from
      effective; it is also the question of what   simply a race to the finish line. We can   farming provides a year-long opportu-
      we opt to do with our time.
                                       live life rather than race through it. The   nity to re-engage with Har Sinai and
      The weekly Shabbat marks the day   realization has begun to set in that time   learn Torah. In modern-day Israel,
      that Hashem rested when creating the   is a currency worth more than money.   there are a number of yearlong learn-
      world, and it is the day when we rest   Many would opt for a job with lower   ing programs for farmers who let their
      from our physically creative pursuits. It   pay but more leisure time.  land rest for the entire year of shevi’it.
      is a time when we disconnect from the   Not everyone could immediately think   They describe it as a wonderful oppor-
      world around us in order to connect to   of a project to devote oneself to for a   tunity and recommend it to others.
      bigger things – to Hashem, our family,   sabbatical year. But shevi’it calls for a   For those who do not work in agri-
      and our community. Essentially, it is a   sabbatical that impacts all of agricul-  culture, it is necessary to rethink our
      time to do the things that our weekly   tural society simultaneously. Since   approach to rest and the sabbatical
      routine makes difficult. Besides the lei-  no one is working the land, the entire   year. Dr. Jeremy Benstein describes
      sure time, one who observes Shabbat   agrarian society moves from focusing   how shevi’it should be viewed as a solu-
      gets to disconnect from the routine   on the crops and land to concentrat-  tion for contemporary society, rather
      that prevents connecting to broader   ing on individuals and relationships.   than a problem:
      goals. Imagine if one could do that for   The sabbatical is a once-in-seven-
      an entire year!                  year opportunity to give our minds   What if we looked at Shemitta not as a prob-
                                                                         lem, but as a solution, and then considered
      The concept of a sabbatical, standard-  and bodies a much-needed restart,   what problems it’s meant to solve? In that
      ized in academia and some other fields,   to  reconnect  with long-term goals,   light, Shemitta becomes a political state-
      is built on the understanding that pro-  reinforce our sense of self and ensure   ment of social and environmental import,
      viding individuals with a year off to   that ethical concerns will guide our   raising deep questions about the nature of a
      think and pursue their intellectual and   decision-making.         healthy and sustainable life, for individuals,
      other interests and dreams, will actu-                             society and the land.
      ally enhance productivity. The term is   Maximizing society’s sabbatical
      a direct derivative of the rest of Shabbat   Besides the mindfulness that comes   For instance, currently only academics
                                                                         have a sabbatical year. Why? Our “affluent”
      haAretz once every seven years, which
      allows for an inspiring, purposeful,   with a year that is not driven by strict   society actually decreases leisure and family
                                                                         time, as more people not only choose to work
                                       deadlines or dependent on the weather
      and creative rest time. But does it work
      beyond the field of academia?    or society-imposed norms, the year of   to fulfill what they want to be, but feel com-
                                       rest gives the inner soul the chance to   pelled to work in order to afford what society
      Designer Stefan Sagmeister (known   come back to life. On the simplest level,   says they should have. Consumerism neces-
      for creating album covers for famous   shevi’it guides us to take a break from   sitates “producerism” to keep both supply
      musicians) suggests that it does. Every   the physical and enjoy the spiritual.   and demand high. Yet as Shemitta hints,

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