Page 23 - HaMizrachi Tu BiShvat 5782 - USA
P. 23

Can you think of life without weekends,   working hours.  Besides the danger   and  creativity,  and  is  essential  to  both
      summer breaks, and holidays? If we   involved, psychology professor Ale-  achieve our highest levels of performance
      had that kind of life, would we be more   jandro Lleras’ analysis indicates that   and simply form stable memories in every-
      successful at achieving our academic,   prolonged attention to a single task   day life… Moments of respite may even be
      financial, or personal goals?    actually hinders performance: “We pro-  necessary to keep one’s moral compass in
                                       pose that deactivating and reactivating your   working order and maintain a sense of self.” 3
      Studies have shown that people are   goals allows you to stay focused… From a
      most effective when taking breaks                                  In other words, physical and mental
      in the middle of their work or study.   practical standpoint, our research suggests   fatigue can mitigate our ability to
                                       that, when faced with long tasks (such as
      Summer vacations and shorter work-  studying before a final exam or doing your   make ethical decisions because we’re
      weeks increase productivity. There are   taxes), it is best to impose brief breaks on   too exhausted to remember who we
      business people who have gone even                                 are and what we value.
      further, closing their businesses for a   yourself. Brief mental breaks will actually   Over the course of 2020–2021, the Covid-
      year to rethink and re-explore – not   help you stay focused on your task!”  19 pandemic has given the world econ-
      because they had no work to do, but   These studies indicate that Hashem   omy and the environment some rest.
      because they had an overabundance   created  the  human  mind  and  body   Satellite pictures of pollution levels
      of it. They felt they were losing them-  in such a manner that they are more   before and after Covid-19 aren’t even
      selves in their work and were growing   healthy and productive when they rest.   comparable. In the words of Dr. Stuart
      out of touch with their creative and   Rest allows us to replace stress and   Pimm of Duke University: “[This global
      spiritual selves. By taking a year off,   exhaustion with productivity and   pandemic] is giving us this quite extraordi-
      they gave themselves many years of   creativity while engaged in our goals.  nary insight into just how much of a mess
      success, finding themselves again in   Science writer Ferris Jabr summarizes   we humans are making of our beautiful
      the process.                                                       planet. This is giving us an opportunity to
                                       the benefits of taking breaks in an arti-                       4
      A recent study by the World Health   cle in Scientific American: “Downtime   magically see how much better it can be.”
      Organization attributes hundreds of   replenishes the brain’s stores of attention   What all these studies are uncovering
      thousands of deaths a year to long   and motivation, encourages productivity   may be a small aspect of the beauty

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