Page 20 - HaMizrachi Tu BiShvat 5782 - USA
P. 20
beit din. He grows potatoes, sweet pota-
toes, carrots, peppers, baby cucumbers,
watermelons, onions, peanuts, wheat,
citrus and avocados.
“I came here 24 years ago, as part of
Garin Nachal. I met my wife here, we
fell in love with the kibbutz, and we
have been here ever since. Farming is
our life, our livelihood and our truth.
We live, breathe and work the land to
the last furrow.”
How did you get into farming? “I am a lot of investment, hassle and labor Why did you choose otzar beit din? “Very
one of the deportees from Gush Katif. and many variables such as climate simple: Otzar Beit Din is the perfect solu-
In the bloc itself, by the way, I did changes. But even with all the com- tion to preserve Israeli agriculture, pre-
not work in agriculture even though plexity, we see a blessing in our hard vent imports and provide a solution for
many of my neighbors did. After the work, thank G-d.” the religious public while preserving
disengagement and the establishment halachah and the land according to
of Naveh, I started working in agricul- Why do you participate in Otzar Torah laws.”
HaAretz? “We have chosen the Otzar
ture. I did not think it would become
the center of my life, but I was sucked Beit Din approach in order to experience Amar talks about life in the Gaza
the year of the Shemitta most elegantly.
in, and since then, I have been a farmer Envelope in the shadow of the rock-
with all my soul. Agriculture connects Heter mechirah is possible and correct, ets: “During the last operation in Gaza,
me to the Torah, the Land and Zionism, but through Otzar Beit Din, we will expe- we had to evacuate the children and
and it gives me a sense that I am fulfill- rience the Shemitta itself in all its laws women to Kibbutz Kfar Etzion, where
ing my dreams and ideals.” and without circumvention.” we received terrific hospitality. During
Tzadok admits: “Of course, there is the fighting, we continued to supply
“Here we also connect to the legacy of produce to markets, mainly carrots and
Ben-Gurion, who said: ‘It is in the Negev a fear of what will happen and how other small vegetables. A few forklifts
that the people of Israel will be tested. we will manage, but if the Torah itself here rushed and loaded and shipped
For only with a united effort of a vol- promised that we would not be harmed, produce to the markets between sirens.
unteering people and a planning and I am less concerned: ‘I will ordain My Several farmers ran and checked the
implementing State will we accomplish blessing for you in the sixth year so that fields between sirens.
the great mission of populating the it shall yield a crop sufficient for three
wilderness and bringing it to flourish. years’ (Vayikra 25:21).” “We are very proud of them for the
This effort will determine the fate of How are you going to manage finan- courage and desire to continue to give
the State of Israel and the standing of cially during Shemitta? “Everyone who soul to the business. It’s not just about
our people in the history of mankind.’” grows crops for Otzar Beit Din is hala- farming. One milkman here, Stevie,
Isn’t it challenging to be a farmer? “In chically defined as an employee of the took care of the whole dairy alone;
he milked the cows and took care of
the beginning, everything was difficult Beit Din and receives a salary. This year, everything necessary for the dairy to
and complicated,” says Tzadok. “It’s not I am honored to observe the mitzvah continue to function. This is true Zion-
easy to suddenly start being a farmer. of Shemitta, to be an emissary of Am ism. It must not be given up because of
It’s hard work physically and mentally, Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael, and receive political whims or hardships.”
but thank G-d I found myself in the a salary. G-d willing, we will be okay.”
field, and I enjoy every moment.
Farmers under fire
“Agriculture is a very complex field
that involves a lot of trial and error. Michael Amar, 45, cultivates fields and
Everything here is relatively new. Noth- orchards in the Gaza Envelope area
ing is obvious. Every new leaf or fruit (populated areas of Israel within 7 kilo-
that comes out makes me happy, as if meters of the Gaza border), and he also Nadav Gedaliah is an Israeli journal, blogger
it is the first fruit I grew. It all involves chose to fulfill Shemitta through otzar and writer.
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