Page 16 - HaMizrachi Tu BiShvat 5782 - USA
P. 16
The Humanity
of Trees
Rabbi Shalom Hammer
he Talmud (Shabbat 67) offers
two suggestions regarding
how one should react after
Tfinding an infected tree in
danger of dying. First, one should hang
weights from the tree’s branches. Farm-
ers have explained to me that when
weights are placed on its branches,
the tree concentrates and directs its
energies exclusively towards its roots,
enabling it to revive itself and heal.
The Talmud continues and explains
that one should also mark the tree
with red paint, “so that passers-by will
notice the sickly tree and pray for its
This suggestion is difficult to under-
stand. While no one would question
the significance of trees in general,
are there not more important causes
to pray for than the health of a random
individual tree? World peace, security
in the Land of Israel, and the good
health of mankind – there are so many
more important issues to pray for than The Carmel mountain (PHOTO: LEV TSIMBLER/ISTOCK)
to wage war against it to seize it, do and perpetuate civilization by being
Although praying for a sickly tree not destroy its trees by swinging an ax more thoughtful and caring towards
seems strange, the Talmud is conveying against them, for from it you will eat, their fellow man.
an important message. By sensitizing and you shall not cut it down” (Devarim
us to show concern for all G-d’s cre- 20:19). Tu BiShvat is not so much a celebration
ations – even a tree! – the Rabbis are of the “new year for trees,” as much
demonstrating the type of sensitivity Rabbi Shimshon Raphael Hirsch as a time to reflect on the lessons we
we must show to all who surround us. explains the premise of this mitzvah. learn from trees. There is no better way
If we are expected to pray for the health During wartime, soldiers often exhibit to celebrate the day than with acts of
of a tree, how much more so must we aggressive and even barbaric tenden- kindness for our surroundings, our
pray and focus upon the health of our cies. By taking care not to destroy any environment, and, most important of
fellow man and the development of our fruit trees, the soldiers are reminded of all, our fellow man.
society! The sickly tree painted red is their own humanity. They remember
meant to be a reminder, a means of that these trees provide humanity with
A member of awakening mankind to be more com- sustenance and the means for survival. Rabbi Shalom Hammer is an IDF educator and
the Mizrachi passionate and sensitive to one another. Once again, preservation of the fruit Founder and Director of Makom Meshutaf
Speakers Bureau trees remind the soldiers that even in educational programming, under the aus- In a similar vein, the Torah commands: a time of war, man’s purpose is not to pices of World Mizrachi. He has authored five
speakers “When you besiege a city for many days attack and destroy, but to advance life books.
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