Page 15 - HaMizrachi Tu BiShvat 5782 - USA
P. 15

Bringing us Back to the Future

                                       Rabbanit Shani Taragin

              he Torah’s first reference to
              the laws of Shemitta appears
              in Parashat Mishpatim, where
      Tit is juxtaposed to the laws of
      Shabbat (23:10–12). In Parashat Behar,
      the relationship between these mitzvot
      is made even more explicit when the
      Torah refers to the Shemitta year as
      “Shabbat.” These mitzvot share a deeper
      meaning; they are not merely times of
      rest and relaxation but also remind us                                                             Rabbanit
      that Hashem is the Creator of the world.                                                           addressing
      Both mitzvot recall the ideal Gan Eden                                                             the Mizrachi–
      state of creation, in which G-d provides                                                           TVA Lapidot
      human beings and animals with suste-                                                               Educators’
      nance in perfect equilibrium and the                                                               Program in
      fruit of the trees and produce of the                                                              Jerusalem
      fields are available to all as food to eat,   Sabbatical year than with respect to   the idyllic condition at the beginning
      “ה ָל ְכ ָא ְל ם ֶכ ָל”:            those guilty of transgressing all other   of human history, before the Earth was
         I have given you every herb yielding seed   negative commandments, and made it   cursed with thorns and thistles and ani-
         on the face of all the earth and every tree   punishable with exile… This stringency of   mals began to tear each other apart for
         which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed;   punishment is because whoever denies it   food. The mitzvah of Shemitta is not only
         to you it shall be for food. And to every   [i.e., the law of the Sabbatical year], does   a command, but also a promise. “And for
         beast of the earth, and to every fowl of   not acknowledge the work of creation   your cattle, and for the beasts in your
         the air, and to everything that creeps   and [life in] the World to Come.  land, shall the produce be for food” (Vay-
         upon the earth, that has a living soul, [I   Shabbat and Shemitta enable us to   ikra 25:7). If you keep the Shemitta and
         have given] every green herb for food.’   reflect upon the weeks and years gone   abandon your produce to the beasts of
         (Bereishit 1:29–30)           by and to chart our goals for the future.   the field, the time will come when man
                                                                         will no longer have to earn his bread
         And the sabbath-produce of the land   Shabbat is a taste of the Gan Eden of   through the sweat of his brow and the
         shall be for food for you, your servant   the past, when we remember how G-d   wild animals will no longer harm the
         and your maid, and for your hired ser-  rested after creation, while Shemitta is   cattle of the fields. “Whoever observes
         vant and for the settler by your side that   a taste of the Olam Haba of the future,   the mitzvot which signify this, will be
         sojourns with you, and for your cattle,   paralleling Hashem’s future rest in the   privileged to experience all of these
         and for the beasts in your land, shall the   seventh millennium and our yearning   things” (Rabbi Saul Mortera, 1596–1660,
         produce be for food. (Vayikra 25:6–7)  for an exalted moral state.   Sefer Giv’at Shaul).
      The Ramban (Vayikra 25:2) emphasizes   Rabbi Aharon Lichtenstein zt”l beauti-  This Tu BiShvat, as we enjoy produce
      that Shemitta is not only a testimony to   fully depicts this ideal: “In the society   infused with kedushat shevi’it, may we
      the creation of the past but also testifies   of the Shemitta year, equality reigns,   reflect upon this year’s special oppor-
      to the continued existence of the world   produce has no owners, there is no   tunity to recreate the past and build a
      and the ultimate goal of the Shabbat   employer and no employee, but rather   magnificent future through Shabbat
      of Hashem we will experience in the   all share the same status. Such a society   and Shemitta, renewing our days and
      future:                          acquires new and revolutionary quali-  years, ם ֶד ֶק ְּכ ּוני ֵמָי ׁש ּ ֵד ַח!
                                       ties that can change the nature of that
         The [seven] days [of the week] allude to   society, at least during the Shemitta
         that which He created in the process of   period.” 1            1
         creation, and the [seven] years [of the                         eretz-yisrael/conceptual-foundations-shemitta.
         Sabbatical cycle] refer to that which will   The social revolution of Shemitta                  A member of
         occur during the creation of all “the days”   restores our pre-banishment state from            the Mizrachi
         of the world. It is for this reason that   Gan Eden and provides a glimpse of the   Rabbanit Shani Taragin  is Educational   Speakers Bureau
         Scripture was more stringent regarding   future, when “the wolf shall lie down   Director of Mizrachi and the Director of the
         [the transgression of the laws of] the   with the lamb” (Yeshaya 11:16). This was   Mizrachi–TVA Lapidot Educators’ Program.  speakers

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