Page 18 - HaMizrachi Tu BiShvat 5782 - USA
P. 18


                                   THE FARMERS’  EXPERIENCE                                                                                                                                               Nadav Gedaliah

                                                                                      to do everything possible to properly
                                                                                      observe the laws of Shemitta.


                                                                                      Alongside the farmers who rely on the
                                                                                      heter mechirah or join the Otzar Beit Din
                                                                                      are those who have chosen to simply
                                                                                      stop working their land, despite (or
                                                                                      perhaps because of) the difficulty in
                                                                                      doing so. Aryeh Bramson, a resident of
                                                                                      Tel Aviv who has owned a vineyard in
                                                                                      Yitzhar for the past 20 years, is one of
                                                                                      these farmers.
                                                                  ith all due respect to   “We are letting the vineyard rest, just
                                                                  the home garden, the   like that,” he says with the satisfied
                                                                  Shemitta bin and the   smile of one who has clearly been wait-
                                                     Wsupermarket dilem-              ing for this moment.
                                                     mas, Shemitta is first and foremost the
                                                     year of the farmers, those who have to   How does it work? “As of Rosh Hasha-
                                                                                      nah, there was and will be no work in
                                                     decide every seven years where they   the vineyard other than rescue and
                                                     are headed: Sell the land according to   damage prevention. We do almost
                                                     the heter mechirah and continue work-  nothing. The crop does not belong to
                                                     ing the land almost as usual, without   us but to all the people of Israel. It is
                                                     the holiness of Shemitta (kedushat   not a heter mechirah that sells the land
                                                     shvi’it), join Otzar Beit Din (in which the   to Arabs.”
                                                     Beit Din acts as the owner of the field)
                                                     with all the complexities it entails or   Aren’t you afraid that the vineyard will
                                                     to simply keep Shemitta in the most   be damaged? “There are always con-
                                                     direct fashion, by letting the field lie   cerns in the vineyard here,” Bramson
                                                     fallow throughout the entire seventh   reassures. “Every year, there are dis-
                                                     year.                            eases in the vineyard. Each growth
                                                                                      stage stands on its own and needs a
                                                     In recent years I have gotten to know a   lot of prayer and effort. Any mishap
                                                     few dozen land-loving farmers who feel   or special events such as heat or some-
                                                     deeply connected to the Land. Though   thing unexpected is a problem. There
                                                     some struggle with Shemitta or do not   are many surprises in the vineyard,
                                                     fully understand its importance, there   and everything can easily go down
                                                     are many pious farmers who choose   the drain. We have no hesitation in

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