Page 19 - HaMizrachi Tu BiShvat 5782 - USA
P. 19
observing special mitzvot, especially the The Lifshitz family farm, now in its successful all year round. In the Shem-
mitzvah of Shemitta. From the first day fourth generation of farmers in Moshav itta year, we exercise this muscle.”
of Shemitta, every Jew who wants to Kfar Pines, grows oranges, avocados, “The main reason is the desire to keep
is welcome to come and pick grapes etrogs and olives – all using Jewish the halachah, just as we were com-
for himself, though not for commercial workers. They too decided to keep the manded. While Shemitta is still only
purposes of course. People do come.” Shemitta in the simplest way by allow- a rabbinic obligation at the national
ing their land to lie fallow.
What will you do to pass the time level, we chose to begin practicing this
during Shemitta? “I am a teacher, and mitzvah personally. We believe and hope
in any case, I am not always on-site at that this will be the last year Shemitta
the vineyard even in a normal year, so will not be obligated by the Torah –
that is what I will continue to do during next Shemitta, G-d willing, the majority
Shemitta as well.” of Am Yisrael will be here in Eretz Yisrael
The farmer works at his job with us.”
“When we planted the vineyard, we the same as almost every year
hadn’t thought much about the par- and loses out on the essence
ticular place we would choose to plant Otzar Beit Din
our vineyard. But then we realized that of the Shemitta year, which is Many other farmers have chosen to
20 meters from this location there is the opportunity to dedicate fulfill Shemitta with Otzar Beit Din as
an ancient winepress from the Has- oneself to Torah study. It is a part of the Otzar HaAretz project. One
monean period – a whole system of pity to miss this opportunity. of them is Ran Tzadok, 40, who is in
ancient wineries! We were deeply charge of agriculture at the cooper-
drawn to this place where over 2,000 Why not rely on one of the halachic solu- ative association in Naveh, a nation-
years ago, Jews were cultivating a vine- tions? “In the past, we did so, but this al-religious moshav in the Hevel Shalom
yard and making wine!” region, near the border with Egypt. The
year we decided to fulfill the Shemitta
“It’s a special feeling to engage in the year as the Torah commands for several settlement was established in 2008 by
pursuit of geulah (redemption). When reasons. First, when you delve deeper families expelled from Atzmona. Other
Yirmiyahu saw the destruction of the into the laws of otzar beit din, it is per- families from around the country later
Beit HaMikdash and the terrible destruc- fect for the general public, who have joined them.
tion of that time, he said there would access to fruits and vegetables. Still, in The settlers decided to establish their
be a future here, that ‘again you shall practice, the farmer works at his job settlement in Halutza Sands due to the
plant vineyards on the hills of Samaria.’ the same as almost every year and loses area’s proximity to the agricultural cul-
It sounds impossible, but here, thou- out on the essence of the Shemitta year, tivated regions of the cooperative farm.
sands of years later, it’s happening!” which is the opportunity to dedicate
oneself to Torah study. It is a pity to “In the locality itself, we grow leafy veg-
This year, Bramson will happily and miss this opportunity.” etables in greenhouses,” says Tzadok.
without fear observe Shemitta. He “In the fields around the moshav, we
also plans to visit shuls around Israel In addition, those in the field say that grow potatoes, onions, watermelons,
to deliver an inspiring lecture on his “a farmer is accompanied by his faith, melons, sweet potatoes, citrus groves,
personal Shemitta. as a ‘believer and sower,’ that he will be avocados and mangoes.”
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