Page 11 - HaMizrachi Tu BiShvat 5782 - USA
P. 11
n previous editions of HaMizrachi, WHAT IS
Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon has writ- OTZAR BEIT DIN?
ten about the practical halachot
Iof observing the Shemitta year. Otzar Beit Din means that the court
This interview has a different focus, acts as the field owner. The court
diving into the broader societal and appoints agents to harvest the crop.
philosophical aspects of the Sabbat- They are permitted to harvest the
ical year. Rabbi Rimon, who serves entire crop simultaneously and in the
as the head of Mizrachi’s Rabbinical usual manner because they are agents
Advisory board and who has pub-
lished extensively about Shemitta, of the court and as such, their actions
is the perfect person to help us see do not involve a display of ownership.
the forest as well as the trees, dream- The court then distributes the produce
ing of a Shemitta that resonates with to the community as a gift, but it may
meaning for all Jews. collect money for the labor performed
by the workers.
Rabbi Itamar Segal: What is the goal
of Shemitta, and why does the Torah
require all farming in the Land of Israel Think about it. For an entire year, the
to shut down once every seven years? whole country stops – no commerce,
Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon: At the heart no competition, and no making money.
of our observance of Shemitta is our There’s a full year of chessed, of helping
statement that everything belongs to the poor. The Torah says, “the desti-
Hashem. This point is always import- tute of your people shall eat.” For the
ant, but it takes on added significance entirety of Shemitta, the whole country
after two years of Covid. Before Covid, is busy with spirituality and chessed.
we thought we were in charge and had People charge themselves up spiritu-
unlimited power. But suddenly, a tiny ally. This is intended to profoundly
creature brings the whole world to its affect the nation, so the next six years
knees and clarifies Who really runs the will be totally different. Shemitta is
universe. meant to transform us into a nation
that carries the banner of spirituality
Letting the land be idle isn’t just and chessed and our Divine mission.
about letting the soil rest. There’s no
such mitzvah in New York, France, or RIS: How does all of this find expres-
Egypt. Here there’s a special connec- sion today?
tion between humanity and the soil, RYZR: On the one hand, it’s correct
between the people and its land, and that Shemitta today does not yet find
this connection requires us to let go for expression in all its glory. Where do we
a year to give our holy land its rightful encounter it? For farmers, Shemitta is
place. This stems from the land’s holi- challenging, and there are a lot of farm-
ness; it isn’t just agricultural. Rav Kook ers who find a way to elevate them-
also discussed the connection between selves through Shemitta. Even though
Shabbat and the Shabbat of the land. it’s difficult, many of them experience
He explained that what Shabbat does excitement and transcendence. By
to the individual, Shemitta does to the carefully observing the laws of Shem-
nation. It’s not just a time to rest, but a itta, they sense that they are in a holy
time to stop everything, to try to under- land and have the privilege of being
stand where I’m running to and how partners in the process of redemption.
my life is significant. Thank G-d, many farmers feel this way. (PHOTO: DAVID STEIN)
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