Page 6 - HaMizrachi Tu BiShvat 5782 - USA
P. 6

A Time to Reap

                                    and a Time to Plant

                                                 Once More!

                                                        Rabbi Ari Rockoff

                            lmost 2,000 years ago, the   camps and concentration camps. After   the tree’s strength that lies in its roots,
                            Mishnah taught us that the   the war, they immigrated to America,   Arie and Sam Halpern are planters who
                            new year for trees – the date   established their families and built   understood that we must plant trees
                   A that determines tithing – is    successful businesses.           to provide shade and fruit to the next
                   the 15th of Shevat, or, as we’ve come   The harrowing experience of the Holo-  generation.
                   to call it, Tu BiShvat. Trees are a sur-  caust did not diminish Arie and Sam’s
                   prisingly central symbol in Judaism.                               After 120 years, we are blessed to
                   The very center of Adam and Chava’s   strong character and values. In 1957, the   stand beneath an extraordinary tree
                                                                                      of Religious Zionism. But we are not
                                                     brothers sold their supermarket chain
                   experience in Gan Eden, indeed the first
                   moral and religious dilemma faced by   and entered the real estate market to   done planting. Like the parable of the
                                                     be able to keep Shabbat. And after their
                                                                                      Talmud, the greatest blessing that can
                   human beings, was a tree! Amazingly,   families, the brothers’ deepest love was
                   in Avot D’Rebbi Natan, Rabbi Yochanan   the State of Israel. They never stopped   be given to Mizrachi is that its current
                                                                                      and future iterations – its “saplings” –
                   ben Zakkai teaches that if one is plant-  supporting its institutions, and both
                   ing a sapling when Mashiach arrives,                               continue in its founding spirit.
                   one should finish planting it before   went on to serve in key leadership roles   This Tu BiShvat marks 120 years of
                                                     with RZA–Mizrachi.
                   greeting him.                                                      planting the Jewish future in Eretz
                                                     In Masechet Ta’anit, the Talmud poses   Yisrael and in the Diaspora, 120 years of
                   It is appropriate, then, that Mizrachi’s
                   120th anniversary celebration is begin-  an interesting question – how does one   fulfilling Mizrachi’s mission of inspir-
                                                     properly bless a tree from which they
                   ning now, at the time of Tu BiShvat. It   have benefited?          ing commitment to Torah, the Jewish
                   is said that a tree’s strength lies in its                         people, and the Land of Israel. Without
                   roots, and Mizrachi’s roots run deep.   Tree, tree, how shall I bless you? If I say   planters like the Halperns, we could
                   In this issue of HaMizrachi, we have   that your fruits should be sweet, your   not have made it to this monumental
                   the opportunity to reflect on some of   fruits are already sweet; if I say that   milestone. But now more than ever, our
                   those roots, including the contributions   your shade should be pleasant, your   people need more trees. As you read
                   of Arie and Sam Halpern, zichronam   shade is already pleasant; if I say that a   through this issue, and as we celebrate
                   livracha.                           stream of water should flow under you,   an  extraordinary  past  and  a  bright
                                                       a stream of water already flows under   future, ask yourself how you can plant
                   Arie and Sam were born to devout Chor-                             a tree for Mizrachi this Tu BiShvat.
                   tkover chassidim in pre-war Poland. As   you. Rather, I bless you as follows: May it
                                                       be G-d’s will that all saplings which they
                   teenagers, the brothers became active   plant from you be like you (Ta’anit 6a).  Tu BiShvat Sameach!
                   in the Zionist group HaNoar HaTzioni
                   and dreamed of seeing a Jewish state   Mizrachi’s history is a storied one. We
                   one day. Despite losing almost 60 mem-  begin the celebration of its 120th year
                   bers of their family in the Holocaust,   by highlighting some of those who   Rabbi  Ari Rockoff is the Executive Vice
                   the brothers survived ghettos, labor   planted our roots deep in the soil. Like   President of RZA–Mizrachi.

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