Page 3 - HaMizrachi Tu BiShvat 5782 - USA
P. 3


          ’m  going to  be  honest.  For  the   gardener  to  remove  the  overgrown   understand the depth of their own holiness…
          first 40 years of my life, I rarely   bushes taking over our yard? When   (Rabbi Avraham Yitzchak HaKohen
          thought about Shemitta. Living   will zucchinis have Shemitta status?  Kook, Iggrot HaRa’ayah, #208)
      Iin America, the day-to-day prac-  But as we’ve struggled to keep track of
      ticalities of Shemitta – the rules of the   the ins and outs of Shemitta grocery   For the first time in 2,000 years, the
      kitchen and garden, the dizzying array                             people of Israel had not only returned
      of halachic views regarding fruits and   shopping, I keep thinking of the words   to live in the land, but also to work
                                       of the late American jazz singer, Peggy
      vegetables – seemed foreign and irrel-                             the land. As Rabbi Binyamin Zimmer-
      evant. As a pulpit rabbi in America, I   Lee: “Is that all there is?”  man explains in his book, The Shem-
      thought about Shemitta. once each   Even as we begin to grasp the laws   itta Sensation, Rav Kook perceived the
      year as I prepared my speeches for   of Shemitta, the deeper purpose of   people’s desire to resettle the land as
      Parashat Behar, the Torah portion most   this extraordinary mitzvah remains a   an expression of the “exalted spirits
      dedicated to the mitzvah of Shemitta.   mystery.                   of this long-suffering people that had
      But even then, Shemitta was merely   What is Shemitta meant to accomplish   generally forgotten the ways of phys-
      an interesting idea; it remained theo-  in a society that is no longer agrarian,   ical existence.” The renewal of agri-
      retical, like the many mitzvot we hope                             culture in Israel, the precondition for
      to fulfill one day when the Temple is   where only a small percentage of Jews   observing Shemitta, was a sign that the
                                       work the land? Is it possible to fulfill
      rebuilt.                                                           Jewish people were awakening from
                                       the higher purpose of Shemitta when
      Looking back, I believe there is another   we continue to work at our white-collar   their long slumber, that the collective
      reason why I avoided thinking and   jobs, like any other year? What mean-  Jewish heart had begun, once again, to
      learning about Shemitta while we lived   ing does Shemitta have for Jews living   beat on its own.
      in America. Like other “Israel-only”   outside the Land of Israel? And most of   In this edition of HaMizrachi, we are
      mitzvot, Shemitta was yet another   all, how is the renewal of Shemitta in   honored to feature Rabbi Yosef Zvi
      reminder that I was living a “second   modern Israel bound up with redemp-  Rimon and Rabbi Binyamin Zimmer-
      class”  Jewish  life in exile,  another   tion and miracles of our time?  man, two leading thinkers working to
      reason to feel guilty for not living in                            elucidate the depth and meaning of
      Israel. And so I studiously avoided   In 1909, as Rav Kook experienced his   Shemitta in our generation. May we
      learning about Shemitta; there were   first Shemitta year in the Holy Land,   soon see the day when all of Israel will
      plenty of other mitzvot I could study   he sensed that the resurrection of our   celebrate this year of holiness, together
      together with my community!      people’s observance of Shemitta was a
                                       sign of national rebirth:         in our land!
      When we arrived in Israel on Aliyah
      this past August, only weeks before the     ׁשֹוד ָק ם ַע ְל ה ָ ּׁ ש ֻד ְק י ֵ ׁש ֲח ַר ְו ,ה ָא ָּ ב  ׁש ֶדֹ ּ ק ַה ת ַנ ְ ׁש ה ֵּנ ִה
      beginning of the new Shemitta year,    ם ַּג ,יא ַ ׁש ֲח ַּ ב םי ִמ ְּ ק ַר ְת ִמּו םי ִכ ְלֹוה  ׁש ֶדֹ ּ ק ַה ת ַמ ְד ַא ל ַע
                                            .ן ָמ ְצ ַע י ֵּ ק ַמ ֲע ַמ ת ֶא ּוע ְדָי אֹל ר ֶ ׁש ֲא תֹומ ָ ׁשְּנ ַּ ב
      my years of Shemitta-avoidance meant                               Elie Mischel
            that our family faced a steep   The holy year [of Shemitta] has arrived,
                    learning curve. Could   and stirrings of holiness are secretly form-
                            we  hire  a   ing among the holy nation in the holy land,   Rabbi Elie Mischel
                                       even in the souls of those who do not yet   Editor

       (PHOTO: RABBI ALEX ISRAEL)                                                                                    |  3
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