Page 8 - HaMizrachi Tu BiShvat 5782 - USA
P. 8


                                              TO THE

                               EDITOR                                                          Send us your comments


          No more blame game                   at Bar-Ilan University and any number   from the essays how respected and beloved
                                               of Yeshivot Hesder. We don’t know what   he is to so many. My copy of that issue is
          I THOROUGHLY ENJOYED your special    prompted Rabbi Sacks’ decision to remain   dog-eared and marked up and I continue to
          tribute to Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt”l   in the UK, but blaming everything on the   derive great inspiration from it.
          edition (Vol. 4, No. 6).
                                               “Charedi-influenced Rabbinate” can’t be
          However, I must take exception to one of   our go-to answer whenever we are stuck.  I had the privilege of meeting this great
                                                                                   man just once and only for a minute. I’d
          David M. Weinberg’s comments. While he is   Rabbi Dr. Zvi Leshem         heard him give a touching talk about his
          certainly correct that many Religious Zion-  Jerusalem                   father in a Jerusalem shul on a Shabbat
          ists (myself included) were perplexed that                               morning some six years ago.
          Rabbi Sacks chose not to make Aliyah after
          his retirement, his theory that this was due   An active choice          Encountering  the  rabbi  on  a  stairwell
          to the narrowness of the Chief Rabbinate                                 enroute to kiddush, I asked “Do you want
          seems to me an easy way out. No doubt,   I’VE BEEN WANTING to share my deep   to know why I choose to use the Koren
          had Rabbi Sacks come to Israel, he would   appreciation for your lovely issue on Rabbi   Siddur?” He expressed both surprise and
          certainly have been welcome to teach   Lord Jonathan Sacks’ legacy. It was clear   curiosity. I flipped open my copy to the page
                                                                                   of the Shema and explained: “Your siddur
                                                                                   says, ‘Listen, Israel,’ not ‘Hear O Israel.’ I said,
                                                                                   showing him the page. “Because listening
                                                                                   is an active choice, not a passive experi-
                                                                                   ence. I love that.” He grinned broadly and
                                                                                   thanked me. I remain grateful I was given
                                                                                   this sweet little walk-on role in the life of
                                                                                   this great man.
                                                                                   Deborah Fineblum
                                                                                   Writer, Jewish News Syndicate

                                                                                   THANK YOU FOR a very interesting issue
                                                                                   (Vol. 4, No.7) concerning the history of the
                                                                                   Mizrachi movement. A few corrections:
                                                                                   In the article “Yeshivah Students at War’’
                                                                                   by Rabbi Shlomo Brody, he refers to Rabbi
                                                                                   Moshe David Glasner as being from Ger-
                                                                                   many. In fact, Rabbi Glasner was the Rav
                                                                                   of Klausenberg, which was part of the
                                                                                   Austro-Hungarian Empire before the First
                                                                                   World War and part of Rumania after that
                                                                                   war. In his old age, Rabbi Glasner lived in

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