Page 5 - HaMizrachi Tu BiShvat 5782 - USA
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there is a premium placed on produc-  demanding that we be fully present. It   and shevi’it. Only Shabbat and Shem-
      tivity. The quicker we are able to manu-  calls upon us to give full attention to   itta are called by the unique term ’ת ָּב ַׁש
      facture and produce at industrial levels,   that which is important and meaning-  ה ַל, “Shabbat to Hashem,” for both are
      the more successful we become. The   ful as opposed to that which is urgent   unique times dedicated to G-d and heav-
      technological interconnectedness of the   and pressing. We focus not on results   enly pursuits.
      global economy has only exacerbated   but on the relationships that truly   For millennia, Shabbat gave our people
      our frenetic work pace, as colleagues   matter – with Hashem, ourselves, our   the strength and perspective to survive
      and clients throughout the world   spouses and family and friends.   in exile. Today, in the Land of Israel,
      reach out to us day and night with the   How do we achieve this state of mind?   Shabbat and Shemitta are shaping our
      expectation of an immediate response.   Our Sages offer a remarkable insight   future. Every seven days, the economy
      Our output-driven lives are dictated by   which is hinted to in the Ten Com-  comes to a standstill, as Jews across the
      urgency, deadlines and performance.   mandments: “Six days you shall labor   Land pause and spiritually reboot. Every
      We have become human “doings,” con-  and complete all your work but the sev-  seven years, the Land of Israel itself and
      stantly on the go. You snooze, you lose!   enth day is a Shabbat to Hashem.” The   the entire agrarian economy come to a
      It is true that little in life is accom-  verse states that we must complete all   grinding halt for an entire year. It is a
      plished without hard work, dedication,   of our work before Shabbat. Our Sages   time for societal recalibration.
      toil and a proactive focus on getting   point out that this is an impossible   The  weekly  Shabbat  and  Shemitta
      things done. The great challenge of   task.  When do we ever  complete   year are times for resetting our spiri-
      life, however, is to achieve balance.   everything we set out to do? We   tual compass, an opportunity to give
      It is the transformative concept of   always have unfinished tasks that   primacy to our cherished relationships
      Shabbat which aims to restore this   we need to continue working on   and to reconnect with our core values. It
      critical balance.                    after Shabbat! They explain that   is a critical time of perspective, whole-
                                           there is only one place in which   ness and restoration of balance, when
                                            you can, indeed, “complete all
      Human ‘beings’                        your work” – in the precincts of   our self-worth stems not from what we
      To ensure that the dual impulses      the mind. G-d has commanded   have and what we do, but from who we
                                                                         are. It is a time to be truly redeemed as
      of consumerism and productiv-         us to enter Shabbat as if all of our   human beings.
      ity, of having and doing, are not     work is done. Shabbat calls upon
      all-consuming, we are blessed         us to alter our frame of mind, to
      – every single week – with            transcend the daily vicissitudes of   1   Affluenza, John de Graaf, David Wann and Thomas
      the opportunity to be  human          life and enter into an oasis in time   H. Naylor, Berrett-Koehler Publishers (2005).
      “beings,” to simply  be. By pro-     and a wellspring of mindfulness. 5  2   Tehillim 25:1.
      hibiting all acts of creative work                                 3   When people stopped loaning money to the poor
      and shaping the world for mate-      Shabbat & Shemitta            because of this law, Hillel instituted the Prozbul to
      rial gain, Shabbat celebrates this   One of many gifts that the Jewish   circumvent this law (see page 12 for an explana-
      state of simply being. It allows us   people have given the world is the   tion of the mechanics of the Prozbul).
      to experience one day each week      magical concept of Shabbat. It is a   4   Vayikra 25:23.
      without producing or procuring,      time to balance our proactive, pro-  5   The Midrash from the Mechilta is cited in Rashi,
      transforming us from human           ducing and procuring selves with   Shemot 20:9.
      “havings” and human “doings”           our mindful and spiritual selves.   6   See Shemot, 25:1–8.
      into human “beings.” Shabbat
      alters our mindset, focusing us        This is precisely the focal point
      not on what is yet to be done but     of both the weekly Shabbat
      rather on what has already been       as well as the sabbatical year.
      achieved; not on what we lack, but    Indeed, the Torah refers to the
      on what we already have. Shab-       sabbatical year as “Shabbat” far
      bat prohibits us from dwelling        more frequently than it uses its   Rabbi Doron Perez is the Executive Chairman
      on our concerns for the future,       other names such as Shemitta   of World Mizrachi.

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