Page 9 - HaMizrachi Tu BiShvat 5782 - USA
P. 9

Jerusalem and was niftar there. Rabbi Glas-  was held, see Making of a Godol, by Rabbi   Rotting vegetative material in landfills is a
      ner was one of very few Hungarian rabbis   Noson Kamenetsky zt”l.        prime cause of excess methane emissions,
      who supported Zionism and was bitterly   Rabbi Dr. Aaron Rakeffet        which promote global warming.
      criticized for this by his colleagues, despite   Professor of Rabbinic Literature at   Steve
      his being a grandson of the Chatam Sofer.
                                          Yeshiva University’s Caroline and Joseph   Central Illinois
      The second photo accompanying Yehuda   S. Gruss Institute in Jerusalem
      Geberer’s article, “Mizrachi in the Interwar
      Second Polish Republic”, is also mislabeled;                             Editor’s Note (based on the guidelines of
      it is in fact a photo of the Central Com-  Compost                       the Torah VeHa’aretz Institute):
      mittee of the 1919 Mizrachi conference in   I  ENJOYED  RABBI  Yosef  Zvi  Rimon’s   The challenge with using a composter during
      Poland. The men in the picture include   article, “Operating the Kitchen During   Shemitta is that peels and leftovers are added
      Gedolei Yisrael who were leaders of        Shemitta” (Vol 4, No. 5), in which   daily, which directly causes the Shemitta peels
      Mizrachi. Seated at left is Rabbi           I learned that “one is permitted   from earlier days to rot. This is forbidden, as one
      Moshe Avigdor Amiel, who                      to eat [Shemitta produce]... but   may not directly spoil Shemitta produce.
      later became the chief rabbi                    not to destroy or waste.” As
      of Tel Aviv. Standing at left                    Rav Rimon writes, there   It is permissible to place peels and leftovers in a
      is Rabbi Yehuda Leib                               will inevitably be some   paper bag or newspaper (and thus not directly
      Zlotnick, a well-known                             leftovers and inedi-  cause rotting) in the compost bin/pile, but one
      author, folklorist and                              ble trimmings, such   must wait a week after the last fruit or vege-
      communal rabbi.  For                                as orange peels and   table peels/leftovers are added before mixing
                                                                               the content of the composter. At this point, it is
      details about the men                               the like. Rav Rimon
      in the picture, see  A                             explains that these left-  permissible to add materials that accelerate the
                                                                               decomposition process (red worms, etc.).
      Movement  in  a  Period  of                        overs and peels should
      Transition (Hebrew) by         Rabbi Amiel       be placed in a separate   It is permissible to place scraps and peels of food
      Abraham Rubinstein, Ramat                       Shemitta can and ultimately   without Shemitta sanctity together with sacred
      Gan: 1981, p.333–334 and fold-               in the trash.               Shemitta leftovers – provided that the former do
      out photo reproduction.               Personally, I think that the injunction   not cause the Shemitta produce to spoil.
      Thank you again for a well-produced issue!  against wasting Shemitta produce would   When the compost is ready, it is permissible to
                                          be best fulfilled by establishing a compost   remove it from the composter, bag it, and place
      Zalman Alpert                       system on the household grounds. This will   it in storage in an organized fashion. However,
      Librarian, Mendel Gottesman Library,   prevent much valuable organic material   one should not pile it in the yard. It is permissible
      Yeshiva University (Retired)        from ending up in a smelly landfill. The   to add dry twigs to the compost pile since their
                                          Shemitta leftovers will eventually break        purpose is to keep the compost
                                          down and produce new soil to nur-                 from drying out.
      The greatest gadol                  ture the next season’s growth.

      I REJOICE IN seeing Mizrachi resuscitated
      and reborn as a vibrant world institution.
      In the latest issue of HaMizrachi (Vol. 4,
      No. 7), there is a picture accompanying
      Rabbi Doron Perez’s article, Trailblazers
      of Partnership, picturing participants in a
      convention of Chovevei Tzion groups in
      Katowice in 1884. Many may not realize
      that the greatest gadol to associate with
      the new movement is the little rabbi in
      the first row, Rabbi Dovid Friedman of
      Karlin. Rabbi Friedman was the author of
      the Sheilat David and Yad David, significant
      contributions to halachic literature. For
      some evaluation of the awe in which he

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