Page 28 - HaMizrachi Tu BiShvat 5782 - USA
P. 28

Shemitta-observant farmers, as doing   while at the same time recognizing the   We are privileged to partake of some of
                   so does not require much faith.   inner spiritual calling that Shemitta   the Shemitta realities that impact the
                                                     exhibits even in our day:        lives of those who dwell in Israel, yet we
                   Many recent initiatives have focused                               also long for the day when all Shemitta
                   on inculcating Shemitta values into   Let my master believe me that all these great   observance will be complete with the
                   other sectors as well. Debt-relief and   and lofty things that were stated regarding   arrival of the Mashiach. Until that day,
                   debt-forgiveness ventures are an expan-  the holiness of the seventh [year] in the   may it speedily come, we hope that
                   sion of the values of shemittat kesafim,   present era were not stated specifically   these lessons of Shemitta, alongside
                   the financial Shemitta requiring loan   regarding fulfillment of particular deeds,   the opportunities to fulfill the laws of
                   remittance at the end of the agricul-  for this holiness pertained even at such   Shemitta in practice, continue to grow,
                   tural sabbatical year. Some rabbis   time as [the people of] Israel were not in   illuminating our perspective on Shem-
                   have called for an expansion of shevi’it   the Land of Israel and the mitzvah of the   itta and beyond.
                   to other sectors of the economy. There   seventh [year] was not fulfilled at all. Prin-
                   are business people who have adopted   cipally, it is a function of the gradual spread    This article is adapted from Rabbi Zim-
                   moderate forms of Shemitta for their   of holiness through the ages, with the light   merman’s book The Shemitta Sensation: A
                   businesses.                       of the Messiah drawn from potential into   Deeper Look into the Jewish Sabbatical
                                                     reality as they come and go, so that the   Year (Mizrachi Press, 2021).
                   Indeed, a year to stop, dedicate our time
                   to learning, and focus on family, other   name of G-d, may His name be blessed, will
                                                     be sanctified from one end of the earth to
                   people, and our spiritual lives seems                              1   Global, regional, and national burdens of ischemic
                   like a dream. Even if we are unable to   the other and all will form a single group to   heart disease and stroke attributable to exposure to
                                                     fulfill His will wholeheartedly. As for [the
                   dedicate an entire year to the endeavor,   people of] Israel’s preparing themselves with   long working hours for 194 countries, 2000–2016,
                                                                                      Environment International, Volume 154, September
                   whatever time we can commit to our   faith and anticipation of the salvation of the   2021.
                   loftier goals can be our “Shemitta time”   light of the Messiah and the full return of   2   Brief diversions vastly improve focus, researchers
                   over the year. The more meaningful   the holiness of the Land of Israel, at which   find, Illinois News Bureau, February 8, 2011, https://
                   we make it, the more likely we will be   point Shemitta and Yovel will return in full
                   to find more “Shemitta time,” and its   force, all of the spiritual reparations that   3   Ferris Jabr, “Why Your Brain Needs More
                   impact will become more and more   are performed in the higher realms, at all   Downtime”, Scientific American, October 15, 2013,
                                                     levels, draw sustenance from this light. Thus   mental-downtime.
                   It seems to me that there is also   whoever performs an action to broaden the   4   World Earth Day: How coronavirus lockdowns
                   another way to strengthen Shemitta   borders of Israel so as to expedite the ingath-  changed the world’s most polluted cities, Indepen-
                   and its values. We have seen that Shem-  ering of Israel to the Land of Israel, which   dent, April 22, 2020, https://www.independent.
                   itta observance is a significant factor   hastens the redemption – for the ingather-
                   in our exile and subsequent return   ing of exiles… precedes the coming of the   down-pollution-earth-day-climate-change-india-it-
                   to the land. The land is impacted by   Messiah, and the light of Israel becomes   5
                                                                                        Stefan Sagmeister, “The Power of Time Off”,
                   every Jew who steps foot on it, and   brighter little by little, as they of blessed   TEDGlobal  2009,
                   even those who long to do so. Every   memory said of the comparison to “the   stefan_sagmeister_the_power_of_time_off. Winston
                   Jew counts; indeed, the reinstatement   break of dawn” – he indeed rehabilitates   Chen, a computer executive, followed this advice.
                   of Yovel (and the Biblical obligation of   the holiness of the supreme oneness of the   During that year, he took up a hobby that became
                   Shemitta) depends on the nation as a   principle of the seventh [year], and there is   the multi-million dollar company VoiceDream. In
                                                                                      Chen’s words, “the secret to success is a sabbatical
                   whole living in the land according to   no end to the holy, supreme delights that are   in the Arctic Islands.”
                   their ancestral plots. If Shemitta is to   thus multiplied, and they are influenced by   6   Dr. Jeremy Benstein, “Stop the Machine! The Sab-
                   succeed in connecting us to our land   the root of his soul and the soul of all Israel…  batical Year Principle,” The Jerusalem Report, May
                   and strengthening our connection   One who fears G-d ought to pursue both ave-  21, 2001, 35.
                   with Har Sinai and Torah study, its
                   seems that one of the most tangible   nues, by endeavoring practically to bring
                                                     to life all the aspects of the holiness of the
                   ways of connecting to shevi’it values is   seventh [year] – even in the present era, as
                   by strengthening Torah communities   much as is possible – and by endeavoring as
                   in Eretz Yisrael – especially those con-  well to expedite, with his deeds and influ-  Rabbi Binyamin Zimmerman is the head
                   ducive to olim – by ensuring affordable   ences, the rise of the horn of salvation and   of World Mizrachi’s Musmachim Semicha
                   housing and shared resources, as well   the revelation of the light of our righteous   (rabbinic ordination) program. He also serves
                   as continuing to build up Eretz Yisrael   Messiah, so that these occur sooner, as the   as a senior educator at the Zomet Institute
                   physically and spiritually.                                        and director of H.E.S.B.E.R. (Hebrew English
        A member of                                  lights are operative in their plentiful holiness   Source Based Educational Resources) and
         the Mizrachi   In a powerful letter (dated 24 Sivan   even if, G-d forbid, one’s deeds are not effec-  is the author of  The Shemitta Sensation,
      Speakers Bureau  5675/1915), Rav Kook writes that we   tive in practice, because the spiritual power   From the Source and the With Spirit series  must anxiously await that moment   of a good intention regarding these holy and   of educational books for middle and high
           speakers  when Shemitta will be transformed,   lofty things has no limit and no measure…  schools.

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