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Here Next Year’s annual Israel Fair, which took place on December 25, 2021.
youth movements, summer camps or dozens of other Zionist young olim face the same challenges their peers back home are
institutions, it’s hard to deny their unbelievable success! facing – all while moving to Israel without their nuclear family!
It’s an incredibly idealistic stage of life and a time when young There’s nothing simple about joining the army or learning at
people are finally old enough to start making big life decisions. a university in your non-native language. There’s also a shock-
After a very “me” focused year of yeshivah and midrasha, many factor when young people actually follow through on their
young people feel the need to give back. It’s also practically easier; decisions. The decision to stay in Israel is a huge one, but it
young people aren’t tied down by obligations to a spouse or feels relatively safe when you’re still enveloped in the warm
children and they have boundless energy to face the challenges community of your seminary or yeshivah. It’s hard to process
of a new culture and language. Many 18-year-olds don’t even the actual implications of the decision until you live through
know how bureaucracy like health insurance and banking the experience.
works in their native country, so they’re less overwhelmed when
learning it here. And let’s be honest – when making the decision When we meet our amazingly idealistic participants, we always
to uproot your life, it helps to be a little naive! share a gentle reminder that living in Israel doesn’t mean going
to the Kotel everyday decked out in a blue and white outfit – and
Yael, you helped Here Next Year shift from being an that’s okay. As with all major life decisions, there are going to be
independent grassroots organization to becoming a trials and triumphs. But once you plug into the greater young
subsidiary of Nefesh B’Nefesh. What was the backstory olim community, you will always have people cheering you on
to the change?
and supporting you along the way.
The transition allowed Here Next Year to access additional
resources without “young olim for young olim” culture. Joining How has Here Next Year developed and changed over the
Nefesh B’Nefesh relieved us of the bureaucratic and financial last few years?
headaches, which has allowed the organization to focus on Something incredibly special about Here Next Year is that it was
what it does best – its programming and participants. It’s been created by young olim, for young olim. All of our volunteers are
a great step forward.
past participants. Our volunteers want to help the next group
Jodi, you work with hundreds of young people making succeed and acclimate just as well, if not better, than they did.
Aliyah. What are some of the key challenges that young And the amount of volunteers has grown exponentially! There’s
olim grapple with after deciding to stay in Israel? definitely been a boom in youth Aliyah, which results in so many
amazing people on both ends who want to be a part of Here
As with most people in their twenties, there are growing pains Next Year and its greater community. It’s a zechut to watch this
that come with living independently. Whether it’s scheduling
your own doctor appointments, learning how to pay utility bills, growth firsthand. n
or even just building a new friend group and support system,
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