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“Not So Crazy Anymore”

              How Lev LaChayal Normalized IDF Service

                                      for Religious Anglos

             Founded in 2014, Yeshivat Lev HaTorah’s Lev LaChayal program provides
           a supportive yeshivah environment for Anglo students who serve in the IDF
                  as lone soldiers. Yedidyah Rosenwasser spoke with Noam White,

                                 co-founder of Lev LaChayal, to learn more.

       Tell us about your experience in the IDF,   “but not a minute more, or your tryout   their overall score. You are one of the few
       and how it impacts your work with Lev   is over and you’re going back to base!”   people who passed.”
       LaChayal.                            Knowing my rights, I took the full forty-five   In the army, many people do not value your
       My experience in the army was very   minutes necessary to properly daven. Two   religious rights or resent you for requiring
       different from that of most guys in Hesder   and a half years later, when I was training   special treatment. Over time, this can have
       or Machal. I drafted into an elite special   newly-drafted soldiers, I happened to cross   a damaging effect on the religious soldiers.
       forces unit, known in Hebrew as “Gadsar   paths with my old mefaked. I re-introduced   At the beginning of my service, about half
       Givati,” and served for three full years.   myself to him and asked if he remembered   of the soldiers in my unit were religious,
                                            me. He responded, “Of course I remember   but by the end of our service, many of them
       I’ll never forget something that happened   you”, and went on to repeat this exact story.   were less observant.
       while I was trying out for my unit. One
       morning, as I was about to daven shacharit,   I asked him why he remembered me so   These challenges are even greater for lone
       my mefaked (commander) told me that I   well, and he said, “I, myself, am religious.   soldiers who have to navigate bureaucracy,
       would only get ten minutes to pray before   When I was evaluating who was fit to join   living arrangements, and finances all
       continuing the tryout. According to army   the unit, I wanted to make sure that those   by themselves. In fact, loneliness is
       law, during training one must be provided   who were religious were truly committed to   the greatest challenge religious lone
       with at least forty-five minutes to daven.   Judaism. If the religious soldiers conceded   soldiers face; without a religious social
       After explaining this to the mefaked, he   and accepted the fifteen minutes I offered   environment, it is difficult to remain
       compromised and gave me fifteen minutes   them to daven, I would deduct points from   committed to an observant lifestyle. This

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