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Giving Back Through Sherut Leumi:

            Three Young Olot Reflect on their National Service

            Sherut Leumi (National Service) is a voluntary, 1–2 year national service option for religious women (and
            others) who are exempt from military service. A unique opportunity to give back to Israeli society, Sherut
           Leumi volunteers work in all areas of Israeli society, including education, welfare, at-risk youth, government
              and more. Jessica Zemble spoke with three recent olot to learn about their Sherut Leumi experiences.

                                             patient, the child’s father tried to   detained Jews who tried to immigrate
                                             convert me to Islam! He said to me:   without a certificate in the 1930s and 40s.
                                             “Wow, you must be religious, because   Part of my job is translating the
                                             you are so gentle. I want to save your   testimonies of the ‘illegal’ immigrants,
                                             soul.” He kindly showed me how to   many of whom were Holocaust survivors
                                             download the Koran online, and made   who went through the unimaginable in
                                             me listen to a five minute sermon by   Europe only to be put back behind barbed
                                             his Imam!”                        wire here in the Land. I’ve even had the
                                             Sherut has opened my eyes to what it   honor of meeting several of them.
                                             is like to live and work in Israel, and
                                             what it really means to give. I didn’t
                                             know exactly what I was getting myself
                  Ruchama Katz               into, but now I feel I’m contributing
                                             to  the  country  and  developing  and
                     Hometown:               strengthening important qualities
              Johannesburg, South Africa
                                             within myself.
               Sherut Leumi placement:
               Meuchedet Health Clinic
           I originally had no plans to do Sherut
           Leumi because I felt my Hebrew was
           too weak, planning instead to study
           Hebrew at a mechinah and then go to
           law school. But I talked to a government
           prosecutor who told me she would never                                      Ayala Kessler
           hire someone who had not served their                                   Hometown: London, UK
           country through either national service
           or the army. I thought about it, and                                    Sherut Leumi placement:
           ultimately decided that I could overcome                                Jerusalem Variety Center
           the barriers, and I signed up. Ironically,                          I chose to do Sherut Leumi because I love
           I’ve since decided against going to law                             Israel and wanted to serve the country.
           school, but I don’t regret my decision!     Atira Ross              The army was not a fit for me, so this
           Not only do I have the opportunity to                               was a good alternative.
           give back to my country, but I also get to   Hometown: Highland Park, NJ
           see how the state functions behind the   Sherut Leumi placement:    I worked in a gan (kindergarten), where
           scenes. My job has given me a sincere   Atlit Detention Camp        it is the little things that truly matter.
           appreciation for the healthcare system                              Whether it was playing music and
           and how the country works.        It sounds cliché, but I volunteered for   dancing with the kids, helping them sit
                                             Sherut Leumi because I wanted to give   down to play or eat, or simply putting
           So many people truly care about bnot
           sherut (Sherut Leumi volunteers). Ori, a   back. I believe Israel is the only right   a smile on a child’s face, I knew I was
           program that provides lone bnot sherut   place for Jews to be – I love the history,   slowly but surely making a difference,
           with guidance and support, is a fantastic   the geography and the way Judaism is   impacting both my life and the lives of
           program. I am in an apartment with the   infused even into the most benign parts   the children I was responsible for.
           most amazing girls, all idealistic and   of the day – and so I want to serve it.
           kind people.                                                        Jessica Zemble studied at Michlelet Mevaseret
                                             I work as a tour guide in the Atlit   Yerushalayim, is currently studying Computer
           I’ve also had some funny experiences.   Detention Camp, about 20 kilometers   Science at Machon Tal and is an intern for
           One time while checking on a young   south of Haifa, where the British   HaMizrachi magazine.

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