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P. 38

Making Aliyah –

                            Alone and Together

    Rabbi Reuven

                                                                                                        (PHOTO: DOV KRAM)

                   The centrality of Aliyah         fulfillment of the mitzvot complete   not meant to fully separate from his
                                                    (Ketubot 110b); only then are we truly   past. Just before Hashem commands
                          iving in Eretz Yisrael is a central
                          component of Judaism. People   considered a national entity (Horiyot   Avraham to leave, we read that
                                                    3a). Living in Israel atones for our sins
                          often  focus  on  whether  it                              Avraham’s father, Terach, intended
                   Lhas the formal status of a      (Sifri Ha’azinu 28) and guarantees us   to  move  to  Eretz  Yisrael;  Avraham,
                   mitzvah. But even if it does not (as is   a place in olam haba (Ketubot 110b).   ultimately, fulfilled the dreams of his
                                                    The Rabbis even permitted violating
                   Rambam’s view), it is not because it                              father.
                   lacks significance, but because living   certain Shabbat prohibitions to   This is even more true for our
                                                    purchase land in Israel (Gittin 8b)
                   in Eretz Yisrael is fundamental and                               generation. Ever since we were exiled,
                   assumed. Rav Soloveitchik explains   and granted the right to force a   our people have yearned to return to
                   that living in Israel is not formally a   spouse to move there (Menachot   Eretz Yisrael. And so when individuals
                                                    44a), highlighting the overriding
                   mitzvah because it is a prerequisite to                           move to Israel ‘on their own’, they are
                   so many other mitzvot. Presenting it   importance of living in Israel.   actually realizing the dreams of their
                   as a mere single mitzvah would have   Returning, one by one       forebears, making Aliyah on behalf of
                   minimized its significance.
                                                    How should we return to the Land?   the Jewish people’s past and future.
                   The centrality of Aliyah is evident in   Should the entire nation return en
                   that it was the first command that   masse, or should each person return   When my wife and I made Aliyah and
                   Hashem gave the first Jew (Bereishit   individually? Yeshayahu depicts   faced the difficulty of moving away
                   12:1). And when Ya’akov and family   Hashem bringing each Jew back   from our families, we told ourselves
                   were forced to leave the land, the   “echad echad” – individually, one-by-  we were making Aliyah so that our
                   Jewish people’s return became the   one (27:12). Based upon this verse,   children would not need to separate
       Scan here to   ultimate goal of  Yetziat  Mitzrayim   Rashi describes Hashem figuratively   from their parents. At some point, each
         join Rabbi   (Shemot 6:8).                 ‘holding the hand’ of each individual   family requires a pioneer to make
         Taragin’s   The Torah assumes that Jews live in   returnee, guiding them back to Israel   Aliyah so that the rest of the family
        daily Divrei   Eretz Yisrael and considers exile to be   (Devarim 30:3). Every Jew has his own   will later follow and join the Jewish
            Torah                                   story and must return at his own pace   future in Eretz Yisrael. In the years since
         WhatsApp   the worst of all punishments (Vayikra   in his own way.          we made Aliyah, my parents and two
            group  26:33, Devarim 28:64). Conversely,                                siblings have joined us here, Baruch
                   our return to the land is a sign of   In the late 19th and 20th centuries we
                   Hashem’s reconciliation with our   saw the beginning of the fulfillment   Hashem. The individual who initially
                   people (Devarim 30:3–5). The prophets   of the prophecies of ingathering. Most   comes alone often facilitates the Aliyah
                   foretold the eventual ingathering of   came as individuals without the rest of   of the rest of the family.
                   the Jewish people to Eretz Yisrael, our   their family, just as Avraham, the first   Whether we come as families or as
                   yearning to return to  Eretz Yisrael   Jew, made Aliyah – not only without   individuals representing our families,
                   appears prominently in our tefillot, and   his parents and broader family, but   one by one, echad echad,  we play a role
                   the Rishonim saw the return as a sign   purposely separating from them. “Lech   in returning the Jewish people to the
                   of redemption (for example, Emunot   lecha” – Hashem commanded Avraham   place that was the destination of the
                   V’deiot 8:1, Yeshu’ot Malko Yoreh Dei’ah 66).  to go to Israel as part of a process of   first Jew at the dawn of Jewish history.
                   For this reason, the Rabbis considered   finding himself and developing a   Living here, we continue that story.
                   living in  Eretz  Yisrael as equal in   personal relationship with Hashem
        A member of                                 by leaving his past behind.
        the Mizrachi   significance to the fulfillment of all
     Speakers Bureau  the other mitzvot (Sifri Re’eh 28, Eikev   This does not mean that we, as Jews,   Rabbi Reuven Taragin is Educational Director  7). Only  by living in Israel is our   are meant to separate ourselves from   of Mizrachi and Dean of the Yeshivat Hakotel
          speakers  relationship with Hashem and our   our past. In fact, even Avraham was   Overseas Program.

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