Page 34 - HaMizrachi Yom HaAtzmaut 5782 USA
P. 34


     VIEWS                                 Rabbi David                           Rabbanit Sarah

                                           Katz                                  Cooper

                                                 everal years before making  Aliyah   came to Israel to learn for the year when I was
                                                 I visited Israel in an effort to keep   17 and decided to stay. At first, I took it year
                                                 my Aliyah passion alive. I visited Yad  I
                                                                                   by year. Yet the decisions I made paved the
                                                 Vashem, stepped out of the then-new   road for me to live here. I did Sherut Leumi,
                                           SChildrens’ Memorial quite moved, and   and then social work – not because I was
     We asked five                         looked across the hill at a new neighborhood   particularly interested in the field, but because I
                                           being built. At that moment I closed my eyes,
                                           as if dreaming, and promised myself, “One day   knew it would help me understand Israeli society
                                                                                 and help me hone my Hebrew skills. Little by
     accomplished                          soon I will be living here in Israel and I will live in   little, I became attached to life in Israel and felt
                                           that very neighborhood!” As always, life moved
                                           forward and I forgot about that moment.  deeply at home.
                                                                                    When the day came for me to get my teudat
     Jews from                             made Aliyah right after our wedding (with Sheva   zehut (Israeli citizenship identity card), I woke
                                              Fast forward a few years, and my wife and I
                                                                                 up at 6am and stood in line outside of the
     around the                            Berachot on the plane as I promised my bride!),   Ministry of the Interior. When my number was
                                           and we moved into our first apartment in the
                                                                                 finally called, my heart started beating faster.
                                           Har Nof neighborhood of Yerushalayim. After   My lifelong dream was about to come true! The
     world: What                           unpacking (our lift only came a month later; we   woman behind the counter stamped my papers
                                           slept on borrowed Jewish Agency mattresses.
                                           Unpacking was easy!) I opened the mirpeset   and called out loudly “next!” I looked at her in
                                                                                 complete shock and said: “That’s it? Where are
     was your                              (balcony) door to get some fresh Jerusalem   the people dancing and singing? Are you not
                                           sunset air. I looked out at the hill across from
                                           me and I saw… the Childrens’ Memorial of Yad   even going to give me a flag? Do you have any
     experience                            Vashem!                               are eligible to receive their first teudat zehut, I
                                                                                 idea what I am giving up to come and live here?”
                                                                                    To this day, when my children turn 16 and
                                              My Aliyah was long before Nefesh B’Nefesh
     like when you                         existed, but yes, I was, and still am, living the   insist on coming with them – and I do my best
                                                                                 to totally embarrass them. I dance and clap as
                                                                                 they have their picture taken and hand them an
     made Aliyah in                                                              Israeli flag, so that they realize how fortunate
                                                                                 they are to grow up in our people’s homeland,
     your twenties?                                                              in a country we call our own.

                                           Rabbi David Katz made Aliyah from Teaneck, New   Rabbanit Sarah Cooper is originally from New
                                           Jersey, and is the Dean of Michlelet Mevaseret   Jersey and is the principal of the Orot Etzion Girls
                                           Yerushalayim (MMY).                   elementary school in Efrat.

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