Page 32 - HaMizrachi Yom HaAtzmaut 5782 USA
P. 32

Roi           Ariel
    Abecassis     Chesner
                                         Flying the Flag:

                                Training the Newest

                   Shlichim of Medinat Yisrael

                         very year, over 600 Religious   in our time. Like Yishayahu, every one   or in the Diaspora, that we are all on
                         Zionist Israelis leave their   of us must ask ourselves: what can I do   shlichut – and that the purpose of our
                         homes, jobs and daily routines   for our people? What are my unique   shlichut has never been clearer. We are
                   E to serve as shlichim to Jewish   talents? What will be my shlichut for   living in times that our grandparents
                   communities around the world.    Am Yisrael?                      could only dream of, when our people
                   We ourselves have been privileged   Rav Soloveitchik explains that a life of   are once again sovereign in our land
                   to be shlichim as well. Shlichut is an   shlichut is not “extra” or “optional,” but   and when the long awaited kibbutz
                   empowering and unique experience,   rather foundational to Jewish life. And   galuyot, the ingathering of the exiles, is
                   a role that transforms the shaliach’s   it is the times in which we live that   happening before our very eyes! That
                   identity from a private individual to   guide the nature of our shlichut:   extraordinary events are taking place
                   a klali Jew – a person who lives and                              is indisputable; the only question is:
                   breathes for the broader community.   “The fact that someone lives in a   will we watch these events from the stands
                   As a  shaliach,  your  interests and   certain time, in a special period   or will we play an active role on the field?
                   needs broaden beyond the personal   and in a definite place, and was not   For those who love Am Yisrael, there
                   and individual to include those of   born in another period and in other   is only one answer. Wherever we
                   the community and the nation; your   circumstances, we can understand   find ourselves, we must fly the flag
                   mission is now to serve Am Yisrael.  only if we accept the very idea of      of Medinat Yisrael! Wherever we are,
                                                    man’s  shlichut. Providence knows   whatever activity we are engaged in
                   One of the most inspiring  shlichim
                   in Jewish history was the prophet   where and how the individual with   – each of us is needed to fly the flag.
                                                    both his weaknesses and his strengths
                   Yishayahu. The prophet describes                                  The “what” is clear; the only question
                   a conversation of the ה ָל ְע ַמ ל ֶ ׁש ה ָי ְל ַמ ָּ פ,   can fulfill  his  shlichut;  under  what   is “how.” And so World Mizrachi and
                   a conversation between G-d and   circumstances and conditions and in   the Center for Religious Affairs in
                   the angels – but Yishayahu joins,   what society will it be in the power   the Diaspora of the World Zionist
                   uninvited: “I heard the voice of the   of man to fulfill his shlichut.” (Rabbi   Organization have developed “Flying
                                                    Joseph B. Soloveitchik, Yemei Zikaron).
                   L-rd, saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and                             the Flag,” a program intended to
                   who shall go for us?’” Hearing this,   Currently, the Religious Zionist   develop a new generation of shlichim
                   Yishayahu doesn't remain a bystander,   paradigm sends shlichim from Eretz   from the Diaspora.
                   but cries out: “Here I am! Send me!”   Yisrael to the Diaspora. But is this   “Flying the Flag” offers gap year
                   (Yishayahu 6:8–9) I will fly the flag!  paradigm correct? Should the   students who are studying at
                                                    opportunity to live an enriching and
                   The Torah is not merely a historical                              yeshivot and seminaries in Israel
                   book, but rather an educational one.   fulfilling life of shlichut on behalf of   the opportunity to participate in
                   The word “Torah” originates from the   Am Yisrael be limited only to those who   programs that directly address their
                   word “ה ָא ָרֹוה” – teaching. Yishayahu’s   possess a teudat zehut (Israeli identity   future role as shlichim in the Diaspora.
                   reaction is not recorded to tell us   card)?                      Students participate in shabbatonim or
                   what happened then, in his time, but   We believe that no matter where you   tiyulim that culminate in an uplifting
                   to teach us how we should act today,   live in the world, whether in Israel   and motivating  tisch led by Rabbi

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